Monday, January 9, 2012

Lifetime Red reaches lifelong goal

Congratulations are in order for one of the more deserving men to have ever been elected to the Hall.
Barry Larkin was a throw-back to the old days, playing his whole career in one uniform. Larkin was elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame today, garnering 86% of the vote. This is one of those moments where I am extremely happy to see a player who deservedly gets into the hall, not for being the best to play his position, but for just being the only thing that matters; a ball player who played the game right.
And, it doesn't hurt he was one of my childhood favorites as a Red.
Larkin will be joined in enshrinement by former Cub Ron Santo, who was elected into the Hall by a vote of the Veterans Committee. I can tell you right now, Burt's mid-section is bumping into things at work over that one.

Next year's first timers on the ballot will include Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Roger Clemens. Should be interesting.
*Mark McGwire also continues to lose votes as he lost another 3% in what was his 6th year on the ballot. Bill Mueller, Juan Gonzalez, and Vinny Castillo will be dropped from future votes as they have not garnered enough votes to remain on the ballot.

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