Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Real Team Bring It

Coach Cal asked the hypothetical. #BBN responded. Coach Cal loved it.

Coach Cal addressed the Kentucky fan's a few days ago, and asked them which home and home series would they drop from the schedule, meaning no more annual games with a 'traditional' rival?
The choices were UNC, Indiana, and Louisville. He also said that he already knew which one he would drop, but he wanted our input.
Now, a lot of our fanbase were up in arms over the notion of not playing these games any more. Why, it was near blasphemous to put together a schedule that did not include all 3 teams. What it actually was, was a visionary move by Cal, able to see past current feelings and relationships, and see the big picture. And it was his way of throwing down the challenge to any other program in the nation. You think you're good? bring it on. We ain't got nuttin' but space and opportunity.
Kentucky has put everyone on notice they are not running from anybody. Eliminating one traditional series from schedule, due to added conference games thanks to new members, and freeing up space to play anybody, anyplace, anytime. In his own words, Cal is the 'king' of such an idea.
He put it out there, he worded it exactly right, and now anybody who is a college power that does not put Kentucky on the schedule, will seem as if they are ducking us. It's great. Because, a lot of teams actually do practice this. They hide behind conference games, and traditional match-ups, and early season exploits to exotic locales. They try to give off the idea, that 'hey, we'll play them, but we just don't have the time available, it's just not possible right now, our schedule is full.'
Cal is looking to make it where there is no time like the present. Cal knows what he is doing. Could you imagine playing Duke during the regular season on a non-neutral site? There would be nothing better than to see the Cats go into Cameron Indoor and run them completely out of their gym, or to have them come to Rupp and witness the shock and awe of having their ass handed to them.
However, it's all speculative. Nobody has been dropped, yet. But, rest assured they will be... they will be.

So who is it?
UNC- Two powerhouse programs, but does it really need to be played every season? While they are a rival, they are not a rival that elicits hate, like a Louisville does. It's more of a mutual respect thing between two programs that closely resemble one another.
Louisville- Hate em'. It's the most looked-forward to event in the state. It's still fun to beat them when they are having a down year. I couldn't imagine a season without the match-up on the schedule. it's our signature game. Our biggest Rival. However, it laid dormant for years, and only became an annual event again after the 1983 NCAA Tournament.
Indiana- If Louisville is our little brother, then IU is our retarded second cousin who got lost in the woods and ended up in the north. SO many great memories with this rivalry fill my youth. My hatred for Bobby Knight still clings to the Hoosiers. And they always seem to have some red-headed prick on the team. To be honest, I would hate to see this one go more so than UNC. Besides, Crean is good friends with Cal, and lots of pundits think this program is back on the rise after struggling a bit. We know how they feel.

1 comment:

todd said...

i voted for Indiana but i would really like to see all 3 kept and a nobody cupcake get dropped. all 3 look to be in the top 25 for years to come.