Friday, December 16, 2011

Early bird catches the worm...or takes a huge shit on his coach and team...

So, KSR beat us to the punch on this one. It's our own fault for a few reasons. A) We are not near as good at this shit stuff as they are. B) most of our operating budget goes towards covering Burt's gambling problem, as well as replenishing Brady's piggy bank from where Burt hits rock bottom. C) They are way more productive with their time, and thus spend less time horizontal as we do.

In any event, when the Cats host UTC at Rupp tomorrow, a native of our Tri-State comes back to the area. However he is going to bypass Rupp and the #3 Cats(#8 according to The Todd 25), and head straight home to Huntington. Chris Early, who was an absolute beast at Huntington High as part of the Mayo Show, came into town with the Mocs as they prepare to battle the juggernaut that is Kentucky. Early originally committed to Oklahoma, but as is the case with many kids and their first choice of colleges, shit happens. He left Norman for Chattanooga. And, from the looks of his Twitter account, it's not that he is upset that he had to leave Oklahoma, it's just that he is upset he is in Chattanooga and wants to kill his coach. Yup, chances are, these tweets are going to be admissible in court some day soon.
So, Coach Shulman, it appears as if you are living on borrowed time.Mr. Early does not give one shit about you.
Obviously, Coach Shulman is that special type of coach who can get the most out of his players. Regardless if what he gets, is threats of bodily harm. Now, no threats of violence were actually made, we took creative license to set the mood.

Now, don't think that these pipe bombs didn't go un-noticed. Shulman is very aware of the comments made by Early, and holds no ill-will towards him. Shulman said that Early, acted out 'Emotionally' and that doing so is 'OK'. However, Shulman also said, that while acting emotional is ok to do, it's not the best of ideas to put those emotional barbs into the form of a Twitter posting.

So, Early has been suspended, with the dreaded word  indefinitely following.

Here are the Tweets that led to Chris Early getting some extended family time in Jewel City:

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