Friday, December 16, 2011

What exactly is the punishment again?

So, Barry Bonds lied to a grand jury about doing steroids and the mess that was associated with their usage in the 'juiced' era of baseball. Seriously, we knew he was lying. That's not news. I don't think that anybody was buying the 'he was just putting on weight like everyone does as they age' shtick.
That is all old news and besides the point, here. The point is Barry Bonds did indeed commit the crime of perjury.
Today, he was punished for his crime. Home confinement.
Dude has a 2 acre, 15,000 square foot mansion in Beverly Hills and there is nothing on earth he would need to go and get on his own, or be anywhere to do anything that he can't do at his estate. He has everything there already, and if he don't, he could just send somebody to get it anyways.
If he wanted Bonds to be punished by way of home confinement, he should have been confined to MY house, not his own.
Bonds will get to wear one of those stylish ankle bracelets that is so hip with the jet-setters these days.
See, everybody wins!
Bonds was the centerpiece to the BALCO chapter of America's Past Time. Now, maybe it can finally be put n the rear view, while MLB attempts to catch up to the NFL.

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