Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Breaking News!!!!

According to Rueters they have obtained an audio tape purporteldy featuring the voices of high ranking Thomas R. Browns officials. Rueters is currently trying to get confimation through US voice recognition experts. Many inside sources who claim to have first hand knowledge along with former member of the vaunted TRB's paramilitary unit have suggested that it may be nothing more than propaganda. It was Fall of 1998 when the Leaders of the TRB movement were last seen in public, many have since left the group but its core leaders have remained intact despite a 13 year large scale manhunt according to intelligence experts. Though its infastructure has been shaken many in the intelligence community have long suspected the TRB leadership is hiding along the rugged foothills along the West Virginia border and being aided by locals loyal to Catlettsburg and the TRB cause.

Born in late 1970's and early 1980's in the Mountains of Eastern, Ky the leadership of this group grew up in the impoverished neighbor hoods in the remote Kentucky outpost of Catlettsburg, Ky. Hardened by rough and troubling times of the day where it was kill or be killed and one had to fight daily just to survive have led many to believe that is what is behind their hardline stance on many of their current activities.

But perhaps what they are best known for is their fearless tactics on the football field leading The Thomas R. Browns where lots of their tactics learned on the fields of battle are often deployed (to much criticism and outrage) on the gridiron. Many have long suspected that the top leadership were still pulling the strings from behind the curtains and this new audio tape seems to coincide with what many experts have long suspected.

One does have to wonder why the silence is being broken for the first time in over a month. Some intelligence experts claim that it could be slated to coinside with a big event that could be forthcoming this weekend, in particular Sunday. I guess we will have to stay tuned.

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