Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sporano show not picked up for another season

The fans may have been clamoring to 'Suck for Luck', but turns out that may be the only positive for sucking as bad as they do. Tony Sporano was giving his walking papers today. The Dolphins are not only looking to re-build with an early draft pick, but with a new man at the helm. Whoever the new coach will be, he has a hard task ahead of him ; trying to get the Dolphins untangled from the net they are in .

The Dolphins owner Stephen Ross made the decision to fish or cut bait with Sporano, as speculation on the position and Sporano's future lurking the sidelines became a distraction that was not conducive to the team. I think that playing football the way they do was distraction enough to the team.

Sporano had a great first season with the 'Phins. He turned the around and led them to an 11-5 record, before bowing out of postseason play by losing to Baltimore in the AFC Wild Card game. It was every season after that that did him in.
Sporano would post 18-27 record to date in the 3 seasons following his 1st year as head coach in Miami.
Ironically, the same owner who fired him, signed him to a contract extension in January, and even stated "he was the perfect man for the job".
Todd Bowles will coach with the 'interim' tag for the remainder of this season. 

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