Any Boxscore that reads as a total HR-1 Coleman, you can already guess that something is seriously wrong. What was seriously wrong was a bunch of thirty somethings being drunk playing wiffle ball...but it was the most fun this thirty something has had in a long time.
After the Coleman Family plus Barker jumped out to a 4-0 lead, behind some bloop, punch and judy hitting and Coleman's long ball to left-center, it looked bleak for the Burg's 5. But, that lead was not safe as the Burg brought the bats out, led by my 3-5 plate performance and 2 doubles and the solid contact hitting provided by a fresh call up from Triple A Shopes Creek, one miss Emily Stein.
Fielding miscues on the side of the Rushians was counteracted by Web-Gem performing Pitcher Steve Maynard, who was the lynch-pin to The Burgers' success. Now, alot can be attributed to, well, rather retarded base running on behalf of the home team, The fact that Maynard ran down Barker attempting to gain 3rd with one throw out, but the fact that he turned an un-assisted double play running down Todd at Home and getting another throw out on Barker once again at third, not to mention he had the drop on both of them and neither posed any threat to actually reaching the bases safely, Maynard came back out to take the hill time and time again, didn't let that 4 run inning affect him, settled down, and pitched 6 shutout innings, and The Burg got the bats going, and the rolled off 6 unanswered on the way to the 7 inning victory.
"When Todd and Barker both showed the base running know how of T-ballers, you could fill the collective gasp of the crowd in the stadium. All the air was let out of the stadium. You could see that 4 run inning was a fluke, and when things settled down, and we got back to the real world, you could tell which team belonged in the bigs and which didn't" said Marty Breneman, who was calling the game for WTLG/WCBG's Broadcast.
Of course, after the game, Coleman did cry a certain amount of foul, stating that there were some questionable calls, stating that the next game, he was going to get an umpire crew. Nothing they can consider questionable had any outcome on the final score, It was just a matter of time before The Burg would settle down, and start playing wiffle ball. Besides, with baserunning like that, do you really deserve any calls to go your way? I think not.
Now, Coleman is faced with the task of finding the right mix of players to throw in the line-up. Expect some personel moves in the coming weeks, and one would automatically assume that Barker's days in the league are numbered after getting thrown out on the basepaths not once, but twice. I expect him to be designated to Double A Cannonsburg for some work, or knowing how bad Coleman hates losing in his own yard, He could be waived out-right. Considering there are only 2 teams in the league, it could be hard to find work again. Now, it may be unfair for Barker to have to burden all the blame for this loss, but Burt is a very vengeful man, and those base-running gaffs will sit with him for a long time. Beisdes, the other scape-goat would be Todd, and well, he is family.
Heres the thing, how in the world does it end up this way.We were so much more focused and quite frankly better looking.Kudos to Maynard Ill give a man his due, one of this best pitching performances I have seen in that yard and trust me there have been some pitchers walk the hallowed streets of Rush.We'll get em next time if my heart holds up.I close with this however I am still in first in the league that counts so at least theres that.
If by more focused you mean less drunk, I will give you that one... Better looking??? Not a chance in hell on that one...
A...There is alot of season left to play, Rashard.
B...The regular season winner has never won the championship.
C...I would like to reitterate how proud I am of the effort my team showed on Saturday. We fought and scraped our way to a convincing victory.
Maynard capitalizing on some disastrous baserunning and Emily acting as the offensive spark plug off the bench clearly led the way to our victory.
I speak for us all when I say that we are proud to be the 2010 64/60 Wiffle Ball Invitational Champions.
Maybe next year, Colemans.
Where is the box score?
I was wondering...are we going to keep the same teams throughout this Summer in we end up playing wiffle ball again? I would like to keep them the same and for anyone else who wants to play they can just join either team?
I can't believe your curveball got rocked.
Have you lost the hook?
Ironton I would prefer to just not talk about it.....way too painful. However I will not lie I folded under pressure. There were no curveballs thrown. What was not mentioned in the post game wrapup was the fact that the ball we used absolutely bit. Its needs some weight added to it.
my bad guys. still having seen the hold sign at 3rd tho.
I have never been a fan of the grade school pitching approach. I say have an umpire, a huge strike zone and throw as hard and any pitch you want (hookers, sinkers, splitters, 2 seamers, 4 seamers, sliders, knucklers, changers, insiders, outsiders, uppers, downers, all-arounders, etc.)
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