Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Marshall Henderson: He's an F-18, Bro

Marshall Henderson is making people care about Ole Miss basketball this season. He has a penchant to chuck-up long range jumpers and just has all these antics he performs during games, that will either endear him or increase his loathsomeness depending on your already established allegiances.

However, I think it's only a matter of time before we start hearing about Marshall Henderson for something other than making The Rebels relevant in college basketball this season.

The kid is a loose cannon. If you are familiar with pro wrestling, and recall the character that Brian Pillman played before his death, then you get the just of who Marshall Henderson is. He is that character in real life.

People are paying attention to the Rebs this season, not to see what's going on in Oxford this season, but to see what's going on in the kid's head. He fights with fans, coaches, and teammates. He's 1000 miles per hour, and his tongue wagging and screaming are just bonus. Lord knows people like to see where his going to put up a shot next.

For instance, Tuesday against Kentucky, he chucked a piece of ice back into the Ole Miss student section(I'm sure you've all seen the YouTube video by now), one in which they had thrown on to the floor in response to a bad call on the floor, or a call they perceived as bad. And for the record, some reports stated that it was a Kentucky fan who had thrown the ice. It clearly was not a Kentucky fan and was in fact, a Mississippi student.

Then in the same game, Henderson began a verbal assault and tit for tat with coach Andy Kennedy, in plain view of the ESPN cameras.

He finished with 21 points in the game, but my lord, he was 2-11 from 3-point land.

Something bad is going to happen here, and it is going to happen soon. It's like watching the Charlie Sheen meltdown all over again. It's a train wreck and nobody will turn away. I am afraid the tragedy that will be Marshall Henderson, is going to have quite a few spectators.

Some of those, are actually rooting for it to happen. In a sick, sad way, they keep watching Ole Miss, not because the Rebels are actually ranked this season and good, but because they want to see the meltdown and implosion of Marshall Henderson. They can just feel it coming on.

You add to this, the fact that Henderson already has a record that features such highlights as forgery, which he received probation for in 2010. A probation that was revoked by the state of Texas in 2011, when Henderson tested positive for cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol.

That fact, if it wasn't known before, will now be fodder for opposing team's fans to use. It's all out in the open now. All of Henderson's rocks have been turned. His dirt is out there.

That is what makes me think that something bad is going to happen. I don't think he is going to handle any of this well when the insults and barrages start flying in from student sections across the SEC. His demeanor on the court that I have seen, suggests that we are in for one hell of a show.(just going back and looking at his 'jersey' taunting fiasco in Auburn amazes me that he hasn't gotten himself shot)

It's going to happen. Henderson will either have a monumental breaking point, or coach Andy Kennedy will have a heart attack. The one which will happen first, is a toss up.

Or, nothing could happen.

Grab your popcorn.

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