Monday, January 28, 2013

Kentucky Athletics booster facing charges from Federal Trade Commission

WKYT is reporting that Lexington-based Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing (FHTM) is being investigated for the company's business practices. It is believed by not only the Kentucky state government, but also ones from Illinois, North Carolina, and the FTC(Federal Trade Commission), that FHTM is operating a huge pyramid scheme.

Kentucky has recently joined those agencies in a suit leveling these charges against the company.

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway said that the scheme was "one of the largest in North America". It was also reported that the company was pulling in  $30 million a month in hooking people with it's various lines of products to sell, ranging from shampoo to pills.

The underlying factor in all of this though, is that the company's founder and current president, Paul Orberson, is a major financial donor to the University of Kentucky, which by the way has nothing to do with anything.

All this means, is that Orberson will more than likely have his name removed form an office complex that his name adorns that was built for the football program back in 2002. That was the year that ol' Paul threw $1.6 million Kentucky's way.

FHTM says that they will fight the allegations.

In the grand scheme of things, this is completely a non-issue. However, to Kentucky haters, they will think this is the skeleton key they needed to open the doors to expose the evil doers in UK Athletics.

At least there wasn't a package that said Emery Worldwide anywhere around. I may have gotten nervous if that would have been the case.

WKYT report can be found by clicking this LINK.

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