Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The 6460 It's not my Kansas, it's not your Kansas, it's ARKANSAS!(or the Whitaker Bank 2012 Lexington Luau and Hog Roast)

The 6460 It's not my Kansas, it's not your Kansas, it's ARKANSAS!(or the Whitaker Bank 2012 Lexington Luau and Hog Roast)

*This should not be used as an informative post-game report, more like a viewing companion to actually watching the game. Everybody knows if you want at least a C-, you get the Cliff's Notes.

Anthony Davis....POY...Davis needed 2 blocks to pass Andre Riddick and Melvin Turpin. He pushed them out of the way with his 7 to set a new single season blocks record in a freshman. What else did he do tonight? Well, how about a career high 27 points?...How about pulling down 14 rebounds like they were cookies on the top shelf? How does doing all of it on 10-12 shooting? We thought so. We can hear you breathing harder.

Jimmy Dykes. If anything, he gives us plenty to mockingly repeat with what comes out of his mouth. However, he at least has some clue about what's going on during the course of a game. Jimbo says he would take UK's first 6 over anybody's ..including the ''s just 7,8, and 9 that will get you with the Orange.

We are in no position to argue that point. I am sure we will, though.  He also said that this team currently occupying the Kentucky laundry is a definite favorite to hang a banner this year. Cuz' we hang em' like curtains.

Unfortunately, Jimmy didn't let us know what time Arkansas went to bed the night before the game, and apparently due to his silence on the issue, it was not raining men in Lexington like it was in Knoxville. Grown Men.

It was kinda' sad not seeing Rotnei Clark in a Arkansas uniform, for what seems like the first time in 40 years.

Get that Kid 'n Play mix-tape out, it's a block party. It was not safe to be in the air tonight at Rupp, whether you be a house fly, bi-plane, or basketball. They were all getting grounded. Cats finished with 12 as a team, with the sultan of swat having 7, Jones chipping in 5, and MKG stuffing the stat-line and recorded one himself.

Check yo wallet, fool, the Cats COVERED the spread. Straight butter, baby.

Arkansas coach Mike Anderson looks like one of the California Raisins. Speaking of looks, it looks like he traded a job in Missouri, for some short-term misery.
Initially, Anderson had said that he was going to 'run' with Kentucky tonight. We know....we know....

Michael Sanchez does have some nice hair. Sadly, our initial suspensions were wrong, he was NOT wearing a 'scrunchy' after all (and apparently Rupp is a 'banana-clip' free zone). We still say that he wears a fanny-pack , though.

Screw L.A., THIS is Lob City.

Speaking of, it's good to be home. I think it is safe to say that the Cats, while they still would win, would not have destroyed Arkansas at the Wal-Marts in Bentonville. Rupp is good for at least 10 in most cases.(And that could be severely understated)

When haven't you looked around, and MKG is doing whatever it is that NEEDS to be done? Kid is a Human Honey-do List. He does it all. He should just wear a tool belt around campus.

Ever since the days of Nolan, Corliss, and Scotty...even when people were chanting 'May-Day'..The Hogs have been known for defensive intensity for the full 40 minutes.  40 minutes of hell? How about a downgrade to purgatory? How about, it was even as annoying as a gnat. Arkansas pressed, but the Cats didn't seem to notice at all. Just flipped em' a quarter for the nice crease and went about their business.

The Maturation of Marquis Teague: Ok, I admit, Teague frustrates the hell out of me.  However, there are those who ride this kid way more than necessary. To be fair, Cal's had Derek Rose, Tyreke Evans, John Wall, and Brandon Knight before Teague. Kinda' hard to exceed those lofty expectations, even more so being under the discerning magnifying glass of the BBN. He's getting there though. Tonight, showed that he could calm himself down, get under control, and control the pace of a game. He did a good job of being a honest-to-God point guard tonight. He didn't score double-digits, but a good PG shouldn't have to. He did have 9 assists and only 3 turn-overs. That's like a warm slice of pie heading into February.

It looks like the 5th starter spot is going to constantly remain in-flux between Lamb and Miller, until they find the right overall mix. Can't argue with the results of tonight's mixer though.

The Terrence Jones Enigma: I have never quite seen the verbal beatings and tongue lashings a Cat gets from the fans, short of Cliff Hawkins or Randolph Morris, maybe even Jules Camara(Saul Smith is a was Sean Sutton), that Jones gets.  Fact of the matter is that a lot of it is unfair and he is undeserving of it. I think he has adjusted well to the fact that he is a rare, highly-touted elder statesmen(albeit as a sophomore) under the Calipari system of being a player's first program, with handling not being the star attraction and giving way to not 1, but 2 VERY talented freshman. Say what you want, but that pinky stuff hurts...bad. He has done nothing but shown toughness since the injury occurred. And, if you would quit expecting him to score 24 a night or be done with him, you would see, in fact, that he has been playing some great basketball. Tonight was an example of such: 13 points, 5 blocks, and 9 rebounds. Don't call it a comeback. Started season as a Lottery Pick, and he is still one to this day...and he will finish this season as such. Let's not be ridiculous.

What makes Kentucky so good? All you had to do was watch tonight. They were up big and operating at about 80% of their potential...They were cruisin' and could have just shut down and coasted down hill the rest of the way. But they didn't. They paid attention to everything that was being said to them by the coaches. They listen. They soak it up. Even when they are up by 20...Compare them to Carolina...or anyone else...I think that the Cats have an unmatched level of desire and want to. And, they haven't scratched the surface yet.

That's it for Arkansas, Final score 86-63. Next up, Alabama at home Saturday.

P.S. it's 1:15 a.m. as I write, Tennessee should be arriving in Knoxville within the next 35 minutes or so... Thanks, Jimmy.

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