Sunday, December 4, 2011

Urban Legends: Past and (possible) Future

Let the controversy and debating begin.
It's bowl season, so get out your foot powder and slip on those rental shoes, it's time to hit the lanes.

Two teams that are familiar to each other when it comes to Bowl Season, and who are forever linked by another trivial factoid, will meet once more.
Florida will line up against Ohio State in the Gator Bowl (geez, I miss Mazda). This edition of the meeting between these two programs, has the added intrigue of Urban Meyer. Meyer was the coach who led Florida to domination, which in it's wake, left The Buckeyes among it's body count. Now, after Meyer has made a mockery out of his word, he has been pegged as the new man in charge of the Nuts.
The Buckeye faithful are already salivating at the prospects of Urb's regime in Columbus, with visions of SEC type speed and 5 star recruits from the sunshine state dancing in their heads. 
However, it is not Meyer's team yet, and his players aren't there. It's still Fickell's team, or as much his as it possibly could be, and Tressell's players. The same ones who got stomped by The Gators in years passed.
Fortunately though, Florida does not have Meyer's players either, well not entirely. When Urban tugged at the heartstrings of Gainesville, citing health issues and family time, he ripped out the heart of the same one's whose strings he was pulling. Turns out, he was just pulling their legs.
Meyer left Florida for one reason. He knew that some down time was coming. Timmy of Nazareth was not coming back, he was graduating. Without Timmeth, I think Urb was scared that things were going to get rough in the Swamp.
Muschamp has seen the Gators go from juggernaut to also ran in the SEC during his tenure, However he is more than capable of getting it back on track. He has only held the job one year, and he is transitioning between the guys he is bringing in, and Meyer's left-overs. 
So fittingly enough, in the season before Meyer takes the helm in Columbus, these two old BCS rivals will clash once more, and officially end the two era's in both programs history. In the Gator Bowl, The Meyer legacy officially ends in Gainesville, and it begins in Columbus. After the final whistle blows, both programs can start fresh. 
The remaining Meyer recruits on Florida make this one personal. They beat the team that will represent the man that quit on them.
I'll take Florida by 7. 
Urban Meyer, faker than a Coach K back spasm.

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