Sunday, December 11, 2011

Suspensions leveled in Cincinnati, Ironically does not involve Bengals

From WLWT in Cincinnati- we have just learned that judgement has been swift and absolute. As in, my opinion anyways, Absolutely not harsh enough.

 Cincinnati's head coach Mike Cronin spoke after the brawl-for-all, and was very adamant that his players would be punished, and that people would get on board with how things are or they will leave, simple as that.
Well, nobody was kicked off the team, but several are going to have plenty of time to think about their actions, while not seeing action on the court.
The 'Sucker-Punch Assassin' Yancy Gates will be suspended for 6 games for his actions of not knowing how to act in-doors. He will be joined by Ocatvius Ellis and Cheikh Mbodj for each of those six games, as they have also been given time to reflect on how to act in social settings such as a college basketball game. Mbodj, is the one that stomped Xavier center Freese, while he was prone on the floor after Gates 'Pearl-Harbored' him. Honestly, for the act of cowardice Mbodj displayed, I actually think he should have suffered more severe penalties. They are kids, I am aware of this, but still, there is no excuse for acting like that. I am sure, as evident by Tu Holloway's 'ode to gangstas in the locker room', that Xavier is not innocent and guilty of a little jawin'... but Cincy did let it get to them and turned to jaw-jackin'. And, UC did make some unflattering, and moronic statements in regards to Xavier's players, so they started it. It boils down to UC not 'maning-up' and taking the medicine they asked for.
Ge'Lawn Guyn will also be served with a one game suspension for his role in the altercation.

UC's athletic director Whit Babcock, said that the University wanted to send a message that "this will not be tolerated from those who have the privilege of representing the University of Cincinnati."

Head Coach Mike Cronin was apologetic, and stated that "there will be zero tolerance for a repeat of this behavior."

It was also reported that on the other side of the issue, Xavier will hold their own press conference to address the issue from their standpoint. That is currently scheduled to happen at 4:30.

Depending on those punishments, then a big picture can be developed. As of right now, I think the suspensions are a little underwhelming for their actions. I expect that kind of behavior from an Ironton City Park pick-up game...not from a D1 college basketball matter how intense the rivalry.

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