Sunday, December 4, 2011

SEC loyalists get the re-match they wanted. They get the national stage they have dreamed of to showcase why they are better than everyone. This year, a one-loss SEC team is rewarded according to how many feel they should be. They are given a chance to play for a National Title. They get to puff their chest and say, see, a one-loss SEC team is still better than every other team in the nation.
But is it the Truth? Is this the right match-up?
Did the BCS work at all this year, or is it still broken?

 Now, before Big 12, Pac 12, and Big 10 conferences loyalist cry foul, keep in mind, that the SEC was in a favor of a plus one format, in the event a controversial ending was on the horizon. It was the other conferences who held steadfast against such a stipulation.

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Josh Coleman said...

Alabama is certainly the most deserving team among the one loss teams. Had Alabama had the same resume but lost to say Arkansas instead of LSU there wouldn't have been any question. Anyone crying foul is an idiot. Oklahoma State had their chance but lost to a 6 loss Iowa State squad. Stanford got rolled by 20+ in their loss. Boise State invest more in it's turf than it does scholarships for K's. Please explain any debate.

Cane Tuckee said...

I agree. I may lean towards a playoff, but given the system as it is, you have to put the two best teams out there. Without question, it's Bama and LSU this year. Oklahoma State shouldn't have lost to Iowa State. By doing so, they gave up all rights to be given a chance to play for the title. Besides, I'd rather have a re-match of two teams who have proven that they will be as evenly matched as possible, than to have seen a SEVERE blowout if it was any other team against LSU.

Anonymous said...

osu has no leg to stand on here.