Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In-N-Out The 64/60 Football Playoffs

I cannot recall a season in which the final weeks had so much already decided. No late season push to the playoffs or disastouros collapse. The playoff teams were decided two weeks ago with nothing other than seeding left to be decided in the final weeks of the regular season. Since no one took the liberties of posting a In-N-Out last week I feel it's only appropriate to honor those 6 playoff squads. They may not have the most talent but they make up for it with a unrivaled will to win or just dumb luck, whatever side of the Tebow debate you support.

Marshall Maniacs, Brandon McClung- The 64/60's Rookie is also the youngest Owner within the 64/60. JR has had a rough childhood. Despite the lack of a role moodel for a parent, JR has not taken the well traveled road of drug abuse. He has chosen to channel his frustrations and disappointments and use them as motivation to bring something good to the McClung name such as a 64/60 Championship. The number one overall seed certainly has the favorable schedule and solid roster to accomplish this goal. However the affection shown toward Cam Newton is becoming uncomfortable to those around him.

Bear Creek FP Factory, Josh Coleman- With the 64/60 Baseball Championship and Number Two seed in Football 2011 has already been the season of The Factory regardless of the Playoff outcome. Should I win it all once again this will be the best season in the history of the 64/60. I think we all realize it is time I be nominated for the Hall OF Fame advirtisment seen on the Yahoo League page.

Seneca Wallace, Landon Bowe and Jonathan Barker. When Barker and Bowe showed up 3/4 lit and jonesing to draft last March, I was hesitant. Both were former 64/60 owners and both treated that honor like the last woman at the bar, I suppose this will do untill something better comes along. Perhaps they have matured or perhaps they realize beggers can't be choosers but whatever the reason is they have been a force in 2011. I don't understand the dynamic does Bowe pull the strings while Barker is simply a sounding board, or do I have it reversed? As the Commissioner of this organization I don't care who plays what role. I'm just happy these two have found each other and the 64/60 has a ownership group that makes the league better.

Chump Slayers, James Hardy. The lone 64/60 minority owner needed a strong season to cement his reputation as a contender in 64/60 Football. After a League title and Runner-Up in his first two season, James Hardy had a miserable 2010 season that started with a draft day fiasco and ended without a playoff appearence. Hardy was committed on avoiding a repeat in 2011. With a self imposed drink limit on draft day Hardy managed to build a playoff team and restore his reputation as a forced to be reckoned with every August.

Thomas R. Browns, Butch Lemaster and Josh Gilbert. They were mocked post draft. When people spoke about potential playoff teams post draft they were included in the "Outside of...." portion of the statement. From day one this group recieved no respect and week after week more often than not they won. I was one of these skepticks and even after they handed the Factory one of their three defeats I was still void of praise. Ownership has stated on numerous occasions that they do not seek respect only results yet on numerous occasions they have complained about a lack of respect. The results are apparent a deep playoff run will demand respect.

Sons Of Jim Mora, Bill Fenney. The most Vanilla owner in the 64/60 has shook it up this season. Make no mistake the product on the field has been once again SOLID but from a marketing standpoint Fenney went off the hook this year. Gone was the dated name of Ohio River Carp in baseball. In comes Tom Emanski's Deathsquad which took top honors at the unofficial 64/60 awards ceremony. If that wasn't enough like Andy Clark on Turkey for you, out with the Bounty Hunters in football and in with the Sons Of Jim Mora which is the Vegas Odds on favor to win the award for football. Fenneys ownership style at the core did not change yet the name change generated a swagger that took the 64/60 by surprise.

Game Results

Sons Of Jim Mora 180 vs. Seneca Wallace 166. Heading into Monday's action most thought this game was wrapped up. Before you know it the unheralded Doug Baldwin had posted 15 points and the Seahawks D was shutting down the Rams and had scored a TD brining this contest within a matter of points. As the 4th Quarter played out the Rams pushed the total into double digits and Steven Jackson found the endzone for a meaningless TD for the Rams and a 5th of Whiskey for Barker and Bowe to drown away the pain.

Thomas R. Browns 170 vs. Chump Slayers 166. The Thomas R. Browns followed the only full proof gameplan in team sports, GET THE LEAD AND MAINTAIN. They did have to watch Tavaris Jackson flirt with a victory for the Slayers but in the end he played well enough to make it interesting. Already today I have heard from TRB ownership regarding the lack of respect Hardy gave them for the victory. I was also given a warning that no pitty will be given to the Factory as we head into battle this week. The Factory does not fear the over-performing Thomas R. Browns, Revenge will be obtained when it matters.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

After years and years of multiple parties clamoring for a 64/60 Fantasy Basketball League why are there so many openings with the draft only days away? Sure McClung should have branded the league 64/60 instead of the misleading Carolina Newton that has nothing to do with Basketball but it's a league for Basketball Junkies. Though I have been invited I have a big night of Family Feud reruns planned for Friday so the schedule is full but with three McClung's and Ev Lemaster in fold a league title should be easy to capture. Should shit get interesting I may rethink my Friday Plans.

Draft Online Friday 8PM

League ID: 53130
Password: gnulccm10

1 comment:

Cane Tuckee said...

Wow. Did I read that correctly? Did you just call James a minority?