Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stay away from the video screen, he's mad at the video screen

A report came out today, albeit a little more than late, about another example of Rajon Rondo's hot-headed attitude. Since his days in Lexington, we have heard, perhaps even seen examples of Rondo's delicate temperament and penchant for throwing tantrums like a toddler in the Wal-Mart toy aisle.
The latest example that has been given, is that Rondo was angered during a film session when his mistakes were being pointed out to him, and the team, after game 2 of the NBA Playoffs last season. Rondo was said to have become very angered by this, and went on a tirade pointing out his teammates short-comings and doing so using language more colorful than the Celtic green on their uniforms. He also threw a water bottle at the video screen at which his shortcomings were being dissected in front of the whole team.
It was said, by Rondo himself, that he apologized to his team the next day for his actions. Head coach Doc Rivers did fire back at Rondo during the incident, and Rondo left the practice facility and was not allowed re-entry when he returned later that afternoon.
Rondo's time at Kentucky was said to be hampered by actions similar to this. A few people even believe that Rondo, who was on a Kentucky team that probably should have at least gotten Tubby to another Final Four, was the catalyst for that team's struggles and it's falling apart from game to game. Now, A lot of people in the BBN, blame Tubby solely for his own woes, however a strong case can be made that his personnel can shoulder just as much, if not more of the blame for Kentucky's descent from the elite during that time. Tubby, in actuality, probably had 2-3 teams after 1998 that should have at least gotten into the Final Four. If even one of those other teams accomplished this, Tubby is embraced for his time in the Bluegrass instead of having so many haters. 
However, it's a battle not worth fighting anymore, and this is about Rondo.
Rondo was one of my favorite Cats, and in the event I watch the NBA, I would say that he is the one player that I would watch. It doesn't hurt that I am a Celtics fan, either.

Is Rondo a negative presence in a locker room? I don't know if I would go that far, dude plays his heart out on  the court. But, the evidence that says he is childish and can't take criticism is kinda' hard to refute.

Is it competitive nature, or a 4 year old's tantrum?
Make no mistake about it, I would take Rondo on my team any day, and I don't see any difference in how he acted in the team meeting as compared to other 'superstars' of the day. 

Thanks for the heads up goes to

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