Thursday, December 15, 2011

Braun has herpes, Burt's title dodges bullet

Put the asterisk's up for now. It seems here in the 6460, our fantasy baseball world will remain as such.
Turns out, The NL MVP Ryan Braun may have has a valid reason for elevated testosterone levels. It seems his medication for treating his herpes condition was the culprit, or the herpes themselves.
So, if this is the case, PED's were not the root cause of this, or that is the claim at least. But, he showed all the classic signs of getting on a cycle, and then having monster years that resulted in power number success and big time payoffs at the negotiating table.
America, we may have a new epidemic on our hands. Kids everywhere will now try to go out and get herpes, apparently, with Braun as an example, they seem to help out your batting as much as roids.
So, go out and get ya' a good case of the 'dirty dick' kids, watch your numbers soar and your bank account inflate.
No word on what possible positives The clap or Gonorrhea have on hitting, but we are looking into it.
So, for the time being, we will not be stripping Burt of his 6460 Baseball title for the use of an ineligible player.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is ferking hilarious.
