Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blunderin' Hurd....

Adjust your fantasy line-up accordingly:

Sam Hurd, WR for the Chicago Bears, may have seen his last endzone, and freedom, for quite some time.
Hurd was recently arrested on drug charges, of the totally non-trumped up kind.
Hurd is alleged to have told an under-cover narcotics agent that he wanted to score big, and it did not involve a 40 yard slant pattern.
Hurd apparently told the agent, that he was more than interested in slingin' some yay-yo. He was looking to purchase 5-10 kilograms of the white stuff, and about 1,000 pounds of that whacky tabacky, per week... and he fully intended to make it rain... he was going to obtain such amounts with the purpose of distributing the substances.
Hurd trades in his stat line, to become a statistic.
Hurd, who is innocent until proven guilty, has not been listed as out for the Bears' game this week...but isn't that a foregone conclusion?

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