Sunday, December 4, 2011


Anthony Davis blocks Henson, Barry Knipp black's out...

Yesterday, We went silent. No pre-game slandering of the other team going on on this site. No breakdowns of what we thought the game was going to be like. No post game gloating...We were too wrapped up in the moment. We still are to be quite honest. This game was truly, 'one for the ages', and it may very be the greatest game, regular season variety, that we have seen in 30 years.
And thank God, we came out on top. Rupp was rockin'. Possibly, the loudest, most intense and excitment filled atmosphere ever witnessed at the arena. Barry Knipp passed out...Similar to my 'dizzy' spell I had during last years win over Ohio State in the tournament. Seriously, I go t my self so worked up and celebrated so hard at the final buzzer, I collapsed. Thankfully, it was in Butch's living room.
Anthony Davis. I love you.

And, it is fitting that a guy named Henson, was blocked to end the game by our guy, who mostly resembles a Muppet...

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