Friday, November 18, 2011

Whether you like it, or you don't like it, learn to love it...

At the end of the day, NFL QB's are judged by their record. As a starter this season, Timmy of Nazareth is 4-1. 4th quarter comebacks a plenty. He is not going to light up a stat sheet with his passing game. He is not going to dazzle any with his technical brilliance. All Tim Tebow is going to do is win. John Elway doesn't see Tebow as long-term in Denver, and some pundits say that after this season he is going to be shutdown, people will figure him out and it will be stopped. Please. Tim Tebow has been running the same game since High School. He is not hard to figure out. You know what he is going to do. You know what it is going to look like and how he is going to do it. The only thing you need to figure out, is that your not going to stop it. Tebow does as Tebow wishes. He will beat you. Period.
People have a distain for Tebow. They, matter of of fact, hate him.  They hate Tim Tebow because they say he is a phony, he is fake. No way could somebody not do drugs, go to strip clubs, have wild drunken nights in  a big city and perform various acts of debauchery. Everybody wants, and is sitting on the edge of their seats waiting, hoping, that he screws up. Hoping that they turn on the news and he has fallen from grace.
And why not? That would justify their own lives. It would justify their own short-comings. It would mean that their hate was valid and they can be the 'I told you so' asshole we all know.
They hate Tebow, because he is everything that they wanted to be. In a world of corrupt athletes and businessmen, drug addicted attention whores in Hollywood, and college coaches who cover up scandals and assistants who molest children, we are more worried about hating a guy, who has done nothing put prove he is worthy of accolades, he is worthy of admiration. He is the very essence of a hero, a role model. Yet instead of embrace him, America embraces morons like Kim Kardashian, tunes into Jersey Shore, follows every trend and fad that comes along, stands for nothing, falls for everything, and takes to the streets to protest the firing of a coach who covered up a pedophile's decade long, or longer, trail of abused and molested children.
Great job America.
I'll see you all in church Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Josh.
