Monday, November 21, 2011

So, we get one Team match? What's so Survivor Series about that?

If Survivor Series wasn't dead to you before tonight, it is now. That show had to be the worst show in recent memory. John Cena, (Purple Hulk Hogan) and The Rock did their best to save the show, unfortunately, it was too late. Not going to hand out a blow by blow, but just a list of absurdity:
Big Show is 40 ft tall, weighs as much as a cruise ship, why in the blue hell does he need to have taped fist and be a 'puncher' now? Why not just use the fact that he is BIGGER than everybody else?
Zack Ryder's name is chanted loudly, people go nuts when he appears on shows...yet he has no PPV Match? He is feuding with Ziggler, yet he gets no title shot on the PPV? Not too mention Ziggy wrestled as part of the team match later in the show, too. You have a billion people on the roster, yet you use Ziggler twice?
Fink returned to announce CM Punk as the new Champ.  They ruined the momentum Punk had, now, it's just another feud with Del Rio that had no attractiveness...
There was a Lumber Jill match, yeah.... It was horrible...except for the finisher by Beth Phoenix... second best move of the night, next to Big Show's Top Rope elbow drop... unfortunately, it took Show 30 minutes to climb the ropes, and then he shit himself while up there because he was scared shitless...but other than the delay, it was still very impressive.
Sin Cara looks to have legit blew out his knee during the tag match, trying to execute a flip-dive flawless victory fatlality Liu Kang style butt smacker to the face. Good thing Hunico was going nowhere, looks like he is going to be Sin Cara again...
You ever noticed Kofi Kingston's pecs don't touch? And that Mark Henry looks like Precious? His daddy gave him aids...But he is still the fake WCW Champion.
Mason Ryan.... was on the show. That's about it. He showed up. He walks with the grace of Sweetums from the Muppet Show.
Randy Orton's team lost the only 'Traditional Survivor' Match, so I figure he won't lose again for quite some time. Dude still makes the girls scream's Ricky Morton like...
So, you take away The Rock making the 20 something fan boys cream their boxers, the rediculous booing of John Cena because they think it makes them look smart and edgy, and Survivor Series was just an episode of Raw.... with probably shittier matches.
Best Match- Opener, Dolph Ziggler/John Morrison
Best Performance- CM Punk
Most Predictable/ Overly rehearsed looking match-  Rock/Cena vs. Awesome Truth.
Best Interview- Of course, R Truth.
Shit fest of a match- Lumber-Jill match is tied with all of them.
 Fear not 4th graders... John Cena didn't turn 'bad' against the Rock, so your Christmas is not ruined when you open up one of 5000 variant Cena figures you have under the tree.
Chris Lee worked hard for that money to fork out for the PPV, WWE, and you f@#ked him... I hope you are happy.
The regular old ROH show on Channel 8 had like 3 matches tonight, all of which were better than the WWE PPV. It was free. Sorry Chris.

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