Saturday, November 19, 2011

No more Pokin' through the door, Oklahoma State falls to Iowa State

Well, say good bye to a Heisman, and say good bye to your ticket to New Orleans for some Creole Women, Cajun Debauchery, voodoo, Shrimpin'... and a shot at the BCS title.
Paul Blake and Texas State, er I mean Chris Weinke and Florida, wait a minute.... Brandon Weeden and the #2 ranked Oklahoma State Cowboys dropped a heart breaker in a double OT thriller, to the less than formative Iowa State Cyclones... Not without some controversy though.
Until tonight, the 28 year old Weeden, was the favorite for the Heisman trophy. The elder statesmen of BCS level football, threw for a impressive 476 yards, but Weeden got smoked on 3 interceptions, including a costly one on his first attempt in the second overtime, by Ter' Ron Benton, which led to the Iowa State victory in Ames. It was The Cyclones first victory over a top 5 team in school history.
Oklahoma State was on the cusp of playing for the BCS title... Those Dreams are dashed now, having been put to bed in the cornfields of the heartland.
An all SEC BCS title game is looking more and more to be a reality...
Iowa State... FTW!

Side bar- The BCS also could be radically changed. BCS officials announced that they were considering changing the BCS goals and objectives, ridding the automatic bid system to a BCS bowl, and no longer concerning themselves with filling said bowls.(Rose, Sugar, Fiesta, Orange). Now, the BCS will just concentrate on making sure they get the two best teams for their title game, which will travel and be put up for auction to venues that are not traditional college football venues necessarily. It would allow Jerry Jones, The Yankees, and other stadiums to host the title game. The other bowls will return to their traditional formats and will decide who they invite to play in the games, regardless of BCS automatic bidding, which will no longer exist. So, the BCS is now just going to make sure they get the two best teams in the title game... Isn't that what they have been claiming to do already?

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