Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In-N-Out The 64/60

As I am sure most of you are aware the end of as we know it is on the horizon. I am sure many of you, like myself, was heartbroken to read that the day to day In's N Out's of the 64/60 along with the verbal mocking of it's owners will not be welcomed or embraced by the new 64/60 regime. As the founding father of 64/60 Sports let it be known that I am not in support of a 64/60 that refuses to embrace it's roots in some fashion. Five years ago I started this company with one goal: To bring 10-12 owners together twice a year for a few laughs while having a few drinks and building make believe teams in the sports we love. Never did I imagine that it would one day spawn a website, make me a YouTube star, or generate $9 in adsense income. Make no mistake I am very happy to still be part of the 64/60, I am excited about the upcoming changes, and I am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead. However what I cannot be is in support of new found 64/60 which does not honor it's roots. I am fully aware of the lack of intrest one may have in a league outside of their own. But would it be anymore disinteresting than a reader hearing about Pikeville College, Local High School sports, or even UK basketball if they are not fans? Raise your hands if you have seen that disturbing picture of me on the stove and quickly bypassed moving on to the next post. The goal of the 64/60 should be having something for everyone, not appealing to the masses. In the upcoming weeks I am hopeful the powers that be can get together and come up with something that will not take away some of the best material this website has to offer. Sorry Ev even I can't support the Porn Review.

Game Recaps

Argumentative 9irons 140 vs. 12th Round Kicker 138. Speaking with Hobson early in the week, he was very fearful of this result. A year after last seasons title run the Kickers season defining moment will be providing the 9irons their lone W on the season. GRC3 is puffing his chest out and reminding everyone about how he isn't a quitter. I will give GRC3 some credit, after 0-7 many would have checked out not to sign on again. Not Richard. As the weeks went by and the losses mounted the 9irons play improved as the thought of perfection was something GRC3 wanted no part of. Even despite your recent claims I still choose to label him a quitter, otherwise he wouldn't have started 0-11. So congratulations for the recent effort, The Argumentative 9irons will now go down as just another bad team short of being perfectly imperfect. Grossman 14, Big Ben 5. What could have been.

Seneca Wallace 155 vs. Busy Beavers 90. The Wallaces had a bye week as they prepare for a big week 13 matchup against the Disciples of Tebow with hopes of a first round bye. The Wallaces have the longest active winning streak at five games and recently added the On A Roll award to the trophy case. The first season back in the 64/60 is only getting better for Barker and Bowe. Though they could use some assistance in text comprehension.

Sons Of Jim Mora 194 vs. Disciples of Tebow 163. For 9 consecutive 64/60 seasons the playoffs have contained a team owned by Christopher Lee. With the loss to the Solid Bill Fenney the streak is no more. For the first time Chrissy will be starting out the playoffs in the Consilation Bracket. It's been a tough year for The Bopp. Vick has been a bust for the most part. Manning has yet to suit up killing his value and certainly hindering the production of Clark and Wayne. The losing has taken it's toll on Bopp. Word has it last Sunday he woke up and didn't put gel in his hair. If that wasn't earth shattering enough there are rumblings that Bopp will not have a franchise within the 64/60 come next season. Don't take losing so hard Chrissy we have all had that one season we would like to have back.

* 151 vs. Chump Slayers 148. With the win over the Slayers and a upcoming matchup against the TRB's, * has a chance to play playoff seeding spoilers of sorts. The W knocked the Slayers down to a three way tie, according to record, with the TRB's and SOJM. Barker and Bowe will be monitoring this mathcup closely as their potential first round matchup could hinder on it's outcome. Should I fall to the 3rd seed I am begging you Todd, please hand the TRB's their asses. As I would like nothing more than to oust them in the first round of the playoffs.

Marshall Maniac 231 vs. TRB's 186. Nothing is worse than having a good week only to be facing a giant. Anytime you post over 180 you should be coasting to victory. That just wasn't the case this week as the Maniac's roster was a who's who for big weeks. Nine double digits, three 20+ performers with two topping 30 is just too much to overcome. I have doubted both teams all season long and as I sit here tonight my opinions of the TRB's remains unchanged. The Maniacs are a different story. I still believe Newton will have a down week and I still believe he has about 5 spots that can be feast or famine but what he does have is enough big point options that the chances of having a roster wide down week is minimal. This weeks point total has wrapped up the top spot in the playoffs but that will not stop the BCFP from making a statement heading into them.

BCFP 169 vs. Barboursville Stars 158. It's me squaring off against McClung. I believe everyone involved in the 64/60 has read this script. Victory for the Factory. How must it feel to be Mike McClung this season. Performs admirably in Fantasy Baseball only to fall short in a come from behind victory by the Factory on the seasons final day. He welcomes his son into the 64/60 family(Brandon,I won't remind you of that failed attempt at baseball) only to see him be the most dominate team grabbing the number one playoff spot while he scuffles to a 4-8 record despite having a rather solid team (1909 points is good for 5th best in the league). It's going to be a long offseason of soul searching for the Senior and likely a small Christmas for the Junior.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

GRC3 drops Alex Smith for Dan Orlovsky and $38. It's really hard to embrace Alex Smith. But for the biggest part of 2011 he has been a very capable and solid 2nd Fantasy option. Perhaps the celebration of last weeks victory has blinded his judgement or it could be that this is the perfect example of why he was 0-11 to start with. The deal is broken down this way. GRC3 gave up the better of the two players then paid a $38 service fee for the deal.

Pickup Of The Week

Sons Of Jim Mora- Ben Obamanu. Truth be told another lackluster week of Free Agent options available. Obamanu could capitalize on the absence of Sidney Rice this week and parlay it into a double digit week.


Anonymous said...

This website serves as a conduit for the following important media outlets.
1) It establishes a forum for fantasy owners to trash each other regarding the competition on which the 64/60 was founded. Also, a place for head to head fantasy analysis.
2) It is a location where the rants on WWE, UK basketball, local sports and MMA can be submitted to the world.
3) It serves as a place where people of the 64/60 can keep in touch without having the burden of Facebook and the like.

"Fuck your friend request."

Keep the 64/60 blog.

And despite the opinions of the minority, bring back the porn review; we're all adults and if you're not... news flash people have sex..sometimes in front of cameras. Jesus put it here, enjoy it.



Anonymous said...

I bought The Colts QB because as my old buddy David Edwards said "You cant take it with you."

Cane, Cain, Caine, said...

No, the pron review will NOT be coming back.
Secondly, There is a place for the trashing of other fantasy teams and owners... it's called the 6460 fantasy league page on Yahoo!...
and lastly, this is a unique opportunity to to maybe provide some income, sell some ad space, and weasel some media passes to some events.
So, in order for the 6460 to live, the 6460 must die... All the banter amongst teams and owners in this league is atually better suited for Facebook anyways. Regardless of what you think is good and what is not... It's gonna' change. It has to.

Big H.I. said...

The Porn Review was what made this site back in the day. As you can clearly see the traffic to this so called "blog" has droppoed off dramatically.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the competition.


Anonymous said...

Why does it have to change?

I'm still unclear on this.
