Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Mike Leach, accepts wrong job.

Mike Leach, in all of his Vince Gill/Pirate glory, is once again going to be plunderin' and looking for booty on NCAA sidelines... Unfortunately for Kentucky fans in the 'Joker has to go' camp, He will not be shivering his timbers on our sidelines.
I guess that time had passed, as Mitch Barnhart had said that Joker was GOING NOWHERE and his streak ending win over Tennessee all but assured another year in the city of horses and prolonged his walking of the plank.
So, the man who everyone wanted, he seemed genuinely interested in coming and turning the Cats into an SEC winner, even go as far as saying he could win the East with the current team we had, decided to pull up anchor and set sail...and he decided to dock in Washington.
Yup, the dream of outrageous sound-bytes and a high powered Mumme-esque scoreboard lighting festival are all but gone. Long live questionable play calling.
Mike Leach, has or expected to, accepted a deal which makes him the new head man at Washington State.
Leach has a task that is probably going to be tougher than a Lexington remodel would have been, as the Courgars have won just 9 games in 4 seasons under the man Leach replaces, Paul Wulff.

It looks as if unless Joker is photographed hanging out with Eddie Sutton or BCG, he is probably going to be here for a while...

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