Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dick is for six...

Today, Dick Vitale gave a spill about how thankful he was, and what he was thankful for as we head into the Holiday Season. Of course, Dick Vitale couldn't stop with just talking about things that really matter, and the holiday itself...No, no,no... Dick Vitale had to get a mention to his mistress in there too. Dick Vitale turned his feelings on thankfulness into a soapbox to talk college hoops. I have no problem with this, either.
Dick feels as if it is time that the NCAA ranks up the fouls one is allowed to accumulate from 5 to 6, just like their NBA brethren do.
Now, I have to admit, it is attractive to think that when games get chippy and a player gets called for some cheap fouls, or when a young player temporarily loses his wits and commits stupid fouls, that he is going to have some room to do so, he will have that extra foul to give and no longer will it mean 2 quick fouls will force a star to sit out most of a half. However, it also eliminates what is a strategic ploy, and an equalizer in a lot of high pressure, March-type games. Teams have to adjust to foul situations, you have to coach around such obstacles, you have to play smarter... It adds a dimension of thought to the game plan. It makes a coach , coach. It makes players, play smarter.
I like the 5 foul rule as is, and Once again, will argue that the NCAA does not need to up it to 6.

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