Monday, November 14, 2011

Could the regime be falling?

With rumors running rampant over the strategically timed blog post by the owner of Curtis Painters Mane/Disciples Of Tim Pinkerman...I mean Tebow one has to wonder just what is going through this mans mind.

Well I placed a phone call to Mr. Lee's office just to try and get a gauge on just what may be going though this mans brilliant yet sometimes maniacal mind. For the most part it was just incoherent ramblings of a what might me a man about about to lose grip on reality. I really could not get much out of Mr. Lee and myself like most others are left to wonder just what in the hell is going on.

I will not go into what was said or was not said but if I were betting my beloved Military themed home on it I'd say he is trying to bring down his long time nemesis one Joshua Coleman once and for all. I guess only time will tell.

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