Monday, November 14, 2011

Bopper's Big News

Well, the gelled-one has put the 6460 on notice, with what he has promised will be chaos inducing news.
What could it be? What could he possibly unleash on the land of the interchange bypass?
Speculation has ran high since the announcement was made late last night, and our offices did reach him to try to get a sense of where his head was at. Chrissy, did not budge, only staying that he had 2 things that would ''make some sad, some happy''.
Of course, since the hatred between Burt and Chris runs deep, going as far back to jealousy over who had more Nintendo tapes and wrestling figures(in high school), one can only assume, and it is safe to do so, that Chris is going to unleash something that will make us question Burt and his motives as well as actions in the 6460.
Does Gel have something that will shine light on Burt's self-serving motivations?
Burt, who was contacted late last evening to try to get what his mindset was with a possible story that would lead to damning allegations against him, played it off as if it was no big deal, and that 'It's late. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Kind of abrupt. As if he was not stressed out enough this week, with the fact that he was shacked up in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham for a period of days due to fear of his safety, and the fact the TRB's have thus far delivered on their promise of defeat. You sensed the fear in his muffed words. You could tell that this was a man who is on the brink of breaking down, you could tell that he knew the clock was ticking. Everything the man holds near could be on it's last legs.

Chris has been ever so coy of his intentions. A source close to the situation has indicated that 'this could run deep.Yahoo! may be involved. It could expose a lot about the under-belly of the 6460 that may not be too visible on the top side.'

Oh, it will be... it will be.
We are all just going to have to wait and see what the ramifications are when Chrissy Lee releases his Kracken....

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