Friday, September 17, 2010

Keeping the BBSN busy, The BCS????Not so much..


Big H.I. said...

Kentucky Football sucks and all it does is cloud up the basketball off season, I really wish they would just save themselves the fucking embarrassment and do away with the football program. We could have 40 Randall Cobbs and they would still suck.


Richard esquire Coleman

todd said...

Cobb is a monster

Cane Tuckee said...

Cobb is legit the best athlete in the SEC...Whoever truly would say such things as mentioned in the above first comment and believe it, needs to just sit up and wait for Santa Claus to come on Christmas Eve... The Whole Kentucky Football sucks and I just like their Basketball team only screams ,"Hey, I'm a fair weather fan, and my loyalty is very fickle. " Like Brian Wilson said...Be TRUE to your School....