Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In-N-Out The 64/60 Playoffs and Week 1

Yes Jim Mora, we are talking playoffs. The first round of the 64/60 baseball playoffs featured teams ranked 3rd thru 6th in what is essentially the Division Series of Fantasy Baseball. The 3 team squares off against the 6 team with the winner playing team 2 whom has a first round bye. In the top of the bracket teams 4 and 5 square off with the winner awaiting a 2nd Rd Matchup against the regular season champions the BC Dingers who spent the Week searching the web for another name for a fantasy team. The Divisional Series went chalk with the Coleman Brothers besting the duo from Aaron Bros.

Argumentative 9irons 8 vs. Hell and Damnation 4. The 9irons couldn't have chosen a better time to finally have some offense. For the last two months every week has seemed to be a Pitching vs. Offense contest for the 9irons, with speed being the lone consistent stat. HR totals were consistently in single digits and it was at times a struggle to drive in more than 40, I am rather certain the 9irons have felt the loss of Pablo Sandoval all season. This week even without Sandoval, the 9irons posted Run and RBI totals above 40 with double digit HR's. While the 9irons offense finally awoke Hell and Damnations pitching run sadly came to a screeching hault. Over the last two months or more H&D had posted ERA totals consistently in the low to mid 2's with excellent WHIP's to match. Last week H&D posted a ERA of 5.05 with a WHIP of 1.65. Moving forward the 9irons must face another family member this week as he square's off with Prestige Worldwide who has been the most consistent team all season. In order for the 9irons to continue their playoff push there offense must once again show up. For Hell and Damnation it was a remarkable playoff push that will likely not be duplicated for years to come. Hopefully H&D can use this playoff experience and go back to back in 2011.

MVP- Michael Bourn .435/0/5/6/4/1.300

Bear Creek FP Factory 11 vs. Barboursville Stars 0. This game wasn't the whoopin it appears to be. The BCFP narrowly escaped with wins in Runs and QS. Also HR's, AVG and OPS weren't decided until after the action of Saturday. Regardless of the final score the Factory just wanted a victory and that is exactly what they got. With solid offensive totals across the board all season the reason for this weeks win and also the midseason turnaround has been the pitching. Lead by a rotation filled with closers and top of the rotation type guys the Factory posted a ERA of 2.00 with a WHIP of 1.00 which lead to 8 Saves and 6 QS. As for the Stars the last month hasn't been indicative of the season he has had. Though the Stars get little love in the Power Rankings and are often awarded the Head Scratcher of the Week this team held a top four spot in the standings for bout 18 weeks. Prior to the three game slide during weeks 19, 20, and 21 the Stars had only lost back to back games once during the season. A model of consistency all season the Stars will likely be a favorite going into next season to be a playoff contender. Next week the Factory will once again meet his nemesis Christopher Lee on the biggest stage. The Factory eliminated Christopher last season in the same spot and the Factory has a 1-0-1 edge this year.

MVP- Justin Verlander 2QS 18K 1.80ERA .80WHIP 10.80K/9

64/60 Football Week 1

I for one love the new scoring setup that our cutting edge Commissioner went with this season. Nice to get on the website on Sunday and see several 100+ outputs. Not that it actually makes a difference since everyone plays by the same scoring system. But it is just more visually appealing than a bunch of 70-70 contest. It was a good start to the season for the 3 J's, Amish, Knockers, steelerdomination, Hunters and 9irons all started the season with victories. The 3J's and Dingers opened the season in dominate fashion with both topping over 150 Pts on the week. Tree Fiddy served as the Hard Luck Loser of the Week despite the 131 pt output was good for the 3rd best total in the league but as the fantasy gods would have it the Fiddy faced the Amish. The Argumentative 9irons wins the favorable matchup this week as his 92 pts was only good enough for 4th best in the league but bottom line, it was good enough. The Chocktaw Shock N-Aww was the low man on the proverbial totem pole with only 79 pts this week. I am disappointed in the lack of competitive games in Week 1. Only two games were decided by less than 10pts and only one contest, which featured a 64/60 rookie getting his first win, was decided by less than four points. Hopefully in the weeks to come the blowouts of week one will become the exception.

Week 1 Game Recap

steelerdomination 113 vs. 12th Rd Kicker 109. First and foremost you have a space bar please use it. Secondly a 38pt game by Forte sealed the deal for Malone. Five other players in double doesn't hurt. I would however be concerned about the lack of involvement of Greene. The 12th Rd Kickers also had five players in double digits but no 30PT game eliminated all chances. Perhaps more production by the 12th Rd selection could have sealed the deal.

MVP- Matt Forte

BC Fightin Amish 151 vs. Tree Fiddy 131. The Amish's five players in doubles was bested by Fiddy's 6. However the Amish had a 30+ performance by Chris Johnson to go with Arian Foster's 40+. Tree Fiddy is taking his Rope-A-Dope strategy from baseball into football.

MVP- Arian Foster

3J's 152 vs. Bo's Bad Asses 90. After back to back Championship appearences the Asses got it handed to them in week one. As if the loss wasn't enough how about a season ending injury to the already thin RB corp. The early exit from baseball gave Mr. Ward additional time to devote to his football squad and the early results go beyond solid. How about 7 double digit performers and two, countem, two 29 point performers in Nicks and Collie. Perhaps I may be cynical but hard to hang your hat on two number three WR's racking up 29 each week.

MVP- Collie, Nicks

FV Slobber Knockers 114 vs. Barboursville Stars 89. First and foremost update the logo and go with Jesse's former logo I believe the image screams Slobber Knockers. Despite a F level logo the production on the field was C+ level. Four double digit performers lead by my boy Miles Austin's 30. For the Stars every Fantasy season will have bad weeks but the double whammy of Baseball Elimination and a football loss is a tough one to swallow. Mike, even I have fell victim before so keep your chin up things will get better.

MVP- Austin

Argumentative 9irons 92 vs. Chock-N-Shock 79. It's all about the matchups as Chris Lee likes to point out win he falls in defeat. The 9irons pulled off a Jeff Burchett Aristocrat special, two conquest in the same day, with wins in both baseball and football this week. The 9irons had only three players in double digit but only one roster spot produced below 5 pts. The Chock-N-Shock's Week 1 output mirrored that of Los Vonderheides. Hopefully the Chock-N-Shock will not attempt to execute the defensive clock eating style equivelant to small ball in baseball this football season.

MVP- Ochocinco

Pickup Of the Week

Arian Foster- BC Dingers. In the game of racing to the computer Christopher Lee rarely losses. Seemingly moments after Tate went down for the season The Bopp took Foster off the player market. Foster's 40+ point game won't be the norm this season and I still believe Slaton will put up some decent numbers before it's all said and done. Regardless Foster is the number one back and is not in a split system at the moment which is a rarity in today's NFL. Not bad for a pickup just two weeks before the start of the season.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

Brian Westbrook- Barboursville Stars. It was such a bad week for the Stars I want them to have something to hang the hat on. Westbrook isn't a bad pickup in general. Gore could have gotten hurt in the preseason and Westbrook could have been something other than a 4th down back. However the Stars don't own Gore and $8 was spent on him from the FAAB budget. The 8 spent on Westbrook isn't a huge some but it is still 8% of the seasons entire budget for a player who should never be included on your roster in his current role much less in a starting lineup. McClung you are better than that. Perhaps I should make a How To Video for your kids to mock. Despite all of this McClung you are still the man even if you won't play poker.

Coleman/Ward, Hobson, and Hardy Challenge

For those of you who attended the draft you are aware of the debate on the value of a K and Defense in terms of draft position. This was only one of many debates but a challenge of some sort was issued by someone so I thought a weekly update would serve the league well. If you would like the official rule and regulations of the challenge please send the request to Jesse Ward as I was more beer then brains that day. Basically the challenge is that there is little to no difference between the Top K selected and the best available on the FA market same. I stated that I would choose my K based on matchups from the FA pool all season and my K totals will come within something like 15 pts of the top K selected. Same criteria for Defense. Mr. Ward if this is incorrect please let me know. In this years draft James Hardy was the trend setter selecting both the first defense Jets(9th RD) and K Hartley(Rd 11). In this section I will track the weekly totals of my selections as well as the Jets and Hartley and keep a running total on the season.

Jets- 12
Hartley- 2

BCFP Def-9


jesseward said...


Agreed. The WR performance this week was a fluke, but ferk it, I'll take what I can get.

Re: The Kicker/Def Wager

I forgot the monetary compensation at stake but the general point of said argument was:

1) There was more disparity between the highest ranked kicker/def and a free agent def than Josh thinks. In fact, the delta of scoring between our individual kickers and Josh's kicker was claimed by Josh to be less than 15 points by season's end. If not? We win the bet. Note: Consider that Nate Kaeding scored 40 more points than the 13th ranked kicker in 2009 and 20 more points than the 6th ranked kicker. This suggests strongly that our argument is more solid. Once the "15 points" was claimed those who conceitedly consider themselves to be the brains of the outfit (sans Chris and Idge) took the bet (Jesse, James, Dave).

2) I forgot the other points. Clearly, they don't matter anyway.

Oh, there was another argument regarding the inconsistency of scoring FG for distance, which I will still firmly stand behind. Nonetheless, it is inconsequential to argue now and we both know where each other stands and are clearly too stubborn to admit any erroneous reasoning. Note: The new FG rules were applied to the previous argument. (Kaeding outscoring the 6th ranked kicker by 20, etc.)

Yes, a list of our kicker/def vs. your each week would be helpful.

I have not been keeping up with the college/pro pickem. Sorry.


jesseward said...

Those are good burgers.

Josh Coleman said...

My issue with the K position is that it is so random from year to year. My point was that my K position will earn within 15 pts of the first K selected in the draft as opposed to the number one K. The number one K this season could be someone who wasn't even drafted. I used Hartley in this weeks post because he was the first K selected. I still believe that streaming K's will get you within about 15 pts of the number one guy. What I will do is every three to four weeks I will figure up the totals and see where it stands.

jesseward said...


Change the story to fit your agenda.

How much money do I need to send you?


Big H.I. said...

I am spreading hate so piss off.