Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In-N-Out The 64/60 Football Week 2

For the teams who opened up the season with a loss Week 2 can be a really big week. If you win you can stand at 1-1 and the loss in Week 1 is forgotten but if you fail to capture a W you begin to think that this season may already be over. In fact in the three year history of the 64/60 only one team has started the season 0-2 and captured a playoff spot. Since the only team to do it was lead by Fantasy Guru Andrew Clark it was likely due to his unmatched leadership skills, therefore no one else should expect to accomplish this feat. Now it may be a little to early to throw in the towel but some of the 0-2 teams have to be concerned. Niether the Stars nor Asses have reached the 200 point plateau yet. The Asses came into the season with concerns at the RB position and the loss of Grant in Week 1 only intensified the concerns. The Stars are solid everywhere other than at RB where they seem to embrace the thirty year old RB. As for the other 0-2 squad, Tree Fiddy they appear to be suffering from underperformance in the early going. Jones-Drew has done nothing while McNabb, and Calvin Johnson have been steady at best. All of these early season struggles will be forgotten if one of these teams can pull of two or three in a row and pull at or above .500 but none of these squads or any other team for that matter can expect to make a late season playoff push like Hell and Damnation in this football setup.

Game Recap

BCFP 115 vs. Barboursville Stars 105. The Stars had a star and scrub week with Andre Johnson's 33 but only three other players posted double digits. Meanwhile the Factory had 29 out of Peterson but 5 other players in double.

MOP- Andre Johnson 33.

Shock-n-awww 122 vs. Bo's Bad Asses 102. The Shock-n-aww didn't have the Primetime players this week but did post 6 in double digits and 5 over 15. The Asses had 5 players in double including Rogers 24 but the RB position totaled 8 points.

MOP- Aaron Rodgers 24

Knockers 125 vs. 12th Rd Kicker 125. These two heavyweights matched punch for punch all day Sunday and chalked up the first tie of the 2010 season. The Knockers had huge days from Miles Kardashian and LeSean McCoy but suffered "threw" Brandon Jacobs who lost more helmets than scored points. The Knockers also had a 2 point game by Ricky Williams who I believe deliberately laid an egg to support his fellow back porch smoker, Mr. Hobson. The Kickers only had a high pt total of 21 but their low producers outperformed the Knockers bottom feeders and earned the tie.

MOP- LeSean McCoy 34

Jitsuers 147 vs. TieBreaker Losers 131. Tough week for the self proclaimed Fantasy Guru. A loss to the Beaked one in the Baseball Playoffs coupled with a loss to the Bad Guy in Football. Perhaps my dogging of Nicks and Collie last week was a bit premature. Another week another solid performance by the duo. The Jitsuers had 8 players in double digits compared the the Amish's 7 but the deciding factor was the RB position, the Amish posted 13 points from the duo while the Jitsuers had 51.

MOP- Frank Gore 35

steelerdomination 134 vs. 9irons 121. The Dominatrix still refuse to use the space bar and still produce points. 8 double digit players and two who posted in the 20's. Posting 134 points with two duds in your lineup is quite impressive. If Matt Forte and Darren McFadden can continue their early season production this team could be really dangerous. In case anyone is wondering the 9irons hate fantasy football. Perhaps it is Karma that can explain the measley 14 pts combined from four players which was enough to negate the two 20 pt produces and the six in double digits. Perhaps the hatred wouldn't be as prevelant if the 9irons were 2-0.

MOP- Pittsburgh D 28

Bounty Hunters 127 vs. Tree Fiddy 83. The beatdown of the week featured the Hunters and their 6 double digiters and two 20+ pointers against a squad who produced a mere 3 double digit scorers. You know it's a bad week when your D and Kicker combine for 4pts while your two RB combine for 11 and the duo includes Jones-Drew. On the bright side Michael Vick netted the team 20 pts and was the high scorer which could also be viewed as a negative since Michael Vick was the best player on your squad.

MOP- Matt Shaub 27

Pickup of The Week

Tree Fiddy- Michael Vick. Not a big fan of Vick in terms of long term value but the early results have been good and it appears as though Vick will get another week out of prison and under center.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

BC Fightin Amish- Brandon Jackson. Apparently Chris saw a B. Jackson and thought that Bo was walking out of the tunnel because he spent all $100 of his FAAB budget on a player who was highly drafted yet has never produced. It was only a few seasons ago when Jackson was handed the job but was ineffective in the role. I understand it's a Number 1 back but with 7 seasons of 64/60 under the belt you should be fully aware of some of the questionable releases throughout the season. The early result's were 10 pts but take the TD away and you had a total of 39 yards with 1 reception and just over 2 yds. per carry. He may be the number one now but not for much longer.

Coleman vs. Ward/Hobson K/Def Challenge

Top K Chosen(Hartley) 11 Coleman K (Kasay) 1 PT

Top D Chosen(Jets) 8 Coleman Def (Chiefs) 12 PT

YTD Totals K Hartley 13 Coleman 6
YTD Totals Def Jets 20 Coleman 21

1 comment:

Iluv2addpitchersdaily said...

Just wanted to let you know I hated fantasy football at 1130 sunday morning when I actually had a 1-0 record.
