Tuesday, September 14, 2010


You know, I once thought the Fightin' Amish was a clever, almost genius, stab at Burt's love for the Irish by Chris Lee. But, then I got to thinking, that logo he produced, well it just didn't look right, it did not look like something Chris, love him to death but his artistic and creative skills are limited, could come up with... so I was surfing the inter web one afternoon and I came across this....

Chris blatantly weaseled and ripped this very logo off and edited it to say BC, and try to pass it off as his own creation.... This logo, and very concept for the Fightin' Amish was someone else's entirely...It was designed in 2006, years before Chris try to lay claim to coming up with the logo and name of his fantasy football team... It is for a softball team... and said team was founded in 2008 and has a facebook page devoted to it...There is also another facebook page for a touch-football team based out of Ontario, Canada that uses the name and a similiar logo...Upon firther study and research, I found countless other Fighting Amish team in various sports and fantasy football leagues...all ripping off the same concept of ripping off Notre Dame...
I feel cheated....But more importantly, Chris Lee lied. He tried to pass this concept off as his own, but you think about it, it is actually a pretty easy to come up with parody of Notre Dame and their image and iconography... Chris Lee, you are a nothing more than a falsehood... Google the term and you can see the thousands of examples of the Fighting Amish brand...sports teams, fantasy sports teams, hell there are tons of em'...Chris tried to take something that was not his and make it seem like he had come up with it.....
However, my tag that I gave it , Barn Raisin' Amish, and the Barn Raise like a Minonite Today is completely the only original thing about this whole debacle as it has not been duplicated by anyone, nor was it already in use when I came up with it...
Chris Lee, How could you....


jesseward said...

Shit just got real.

*grabs popcorn and waits for the show*

Christopher said...

I don't recall telling anyone that I created that logo. Please tell me if you can come up with anyone who says that I did.

jesseward said...

I remember you said you did.


todd said...


jesseward said...

Thank you Todd.


todd said...

Seems like Chris would have more to say to some pretty bad accusations.

Do we know if all of Gilbert's names and logos are original? Seems like there could be another Los Vonderhides somewhere.

Cane Tuckee said...

Todd, I would safely say Los Vonderhiedes is a complete Original... As for the logos, you will NOT be able to find the designs anywhere else, I guarantee that.
Apparently, my tongue-in-cheek article/expose hit a nerve or two.
While some people search what's trendy in hollywood or what has gotten cheap laughs amongst a crowd either be it in film or animation, i'm sorry, I chose to not to go that route. You may have to pay royalties by next year to Stone,Parker and Ferrel....

Josh Coleman said...

Somewhere in the universe of Fantasy sports there may be a Los Vonderhides however unless Charlie Shelton or Chris Carper participates the name isn't in honor of the Buckster.

jesseward said...

Did Chris Carper win a game as a Connie Macker?

I seriously don't think he did.


Cane Tuckee said...

Carper was a poverty stricken man's Tim Wakefield...Threw extremely slow, but had decent mechanics...He had a good amount of Baseball Knowledge, and I could see him as being a top-notch coach...sadly though, he was in our rotation...