Saturday, September 18, 2010

Choking on the ashes of a runaway....

Over-rated. Over-hyped.Over-estimated. These are all now terms that I will use to describe the Ashland Tomcats. Last night, the Maroon blinders that I had been wearing, causing me to think Ashland was some kind of Juggernaut were ripped off me. I had become like EVERY Ashland fan and began to preach the dominance and power of Tomcat football. After last night, I realized that it was nothing more than Obnoxiousness and general stupidity.

Ironton won the game in the 1st quarter and there was really nothing that was going to change it. Trent Hardy appears to be nothing more than an overgrown underachiever. Sam Hunter, who Ashland fans treat as if he is the second coming of Troy Aikman, had a lot of time last night to work on upper body strength if he had been lacking in the weight room, he had to pick himself up off the ground so many times that I literally lost count. Ironton dominated the game, on both sides of the ball and handed Ashland their ass. Pure and Simple. They scored at will and pushed Ashland around. Were was all this speed and athleticism that Ashland was so chalked full of? Well, it didn’t make it to bus apparently. Wherever it was, be it 5th period English, Five Guys Burger, Last Friday Night in Putnam, Ashland left it there. It sure as hell was not at Tanks Memorial. I am as guilty as Ashland Sporting Goods, Dickey Martin, and Mark Maynard in promoting and pushing the Tomcats on to you…and I am very sorry for doing so.

Now, Ironton fans are just as bad at over-hyping and over-valuing their place in the cosmos as Ashland. They are just as repugnant and obnoxious. Their PA announcer sounds like he has drunk about a gallon of thunderbird and you can just see the slobber coming out of his jaws just by hearing him speak. The Million Dollar Band sounded like it was worth more like about a buck seventy five coming into the Stadium and playing that rendition of God Bless America. However, don’t let them fool you. This was not a case of what Ironton always likes to say; Ohio football is worlds different than Kentucky Football. They make that argument time and time again. Ohio Football as a whole may be better than Kentucky football, but there is no Difference in Northeastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio Football. It kills me to no end that is their mantra, when if a Kentucky fan claims loyalty to the dominance to the SEC they go in a tizzy and say that’s chicken-shit. It’s the same argument morons.

I will not make mention of Ashland’s supposed superiority any more this season. Russell was blown out of the atmosphere by Ashland. Ironton struggled against Russell. You can’t use a common opponent to gauge anything here. This was just a case of the Match-up. It was the feud. The rivalry, the hatred. And for Ashland, it was being in the wrong shit box and the absolute worst of times. And not bothering to show-up.

Side bar here, Tanks Memorial is completely attractive only now because of the school renovations and the OU Southern Campus surroundings it sits on. The playing surface is crap. They can fight and bicker all they want of which is better Putnam or Tanks. If you gauge on Atmosphere, they are even. Seating??? Both are very inadequate. Parking, advantage Tigers. Field Surface, hands down Tomcats. Amenities for fans, eh, even, all though lines at Ironton are smaller due to the availability of options, and for Players, Ironton by default. You can’t hope to outclass you opponent in this category when your locker rooms breed staph infections.

In closing, Ironton DOMINATED Ashland, and if I misled any one while I was under the influence of the maroon Kool-aid, I am very sorry. Thanks a lot Ashland, you made me look like I was rooting for Bin Laden.

On the ride home, me and Gary James did catch some of the glory that is Boyd County football. All that can be said about that game, although it sounded as if they played their best game of the season against another lack-luster team in Russell, the quote of the evening was from the worst broadcast team in the history of human-kind, the BC Radio Team on 107.1....To paraphrase, Dicky Tiller, while he was not talking about going to a dirt track race which he must have mentioned 35 times in the 7 or so minutes I listened, wanted to assure the BC Fans, all 5 of them, that they were not poking fun of the Lions on the broadcast, The County had 'done some real positive things here tonight.' Just getting on the scoreboard and keeping it close is a said state for a good night for your program...

This just in…Ironton scores again…

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