Sunday, August 8, 2010

UFC 117 Results... Only the money makers, kid...

UFC 117- Oakland, CA

Only gonna cover the main portion of the show, Cuz' these are the guys who make it rain...
Dos es Uno-
Junior dos Santos beats Fatty Mcfatass stupid peice of shit Roy 'Big Country Biscuit Assassin" Nelson.
I hate, I repeat Hate, Roy Nelson. That being said, I guess Nelson does have a certain Dick Murdoch quality to him, and despite my hatred for the muffin man, the son of a bitch is double tough and can take an ass whipping. This one went to the judges and 'Cigano' was named the winner by unamimous decision. now, Dos Equis Santos is numero uno heavyweight contender. Now, I do think, like Velazquez, that dos Santos is more skilled than Shane Carwin, but I think if you throw him in with Lesnar, Lesnar would handle him. Now, I am still itching for a Cain upset, but The UFC( Dana's pockets) had to be hoping for a Roy Nelson win, as I think that would have generated more interest and more buys.
Coming to an understanding with Brasil-
Matt Hughes looked for his own personal Benny Hinn to exorcise the brazillian demons he has struggled with in the past... He found the forehead smack he was looking for. It lead him to use some wrestling know how, submitting Ricardo Almeida with a front face lock/choke. Hughes found an opening and went carpe diem on the mother fucker in a little over 3 minutes into the first round.
Jesus was a carpenter too-
Clay Guida moves around like he is on crack. He has no idea what 2:30 feels like. Unfortunately for Rafael Dos Anjos, he knows what a broken jaw feels like. Guida cracked Anjos' jaw in the first round, but to Raf's credit he came back for more. Finally though, in round 3 he had no choice but to submit. Guida is a live wire for sure, it's almost like Dragon Ball Z come to life.
Maybe a Pit Bull's bite aint so bad-
Thiago Alves apparently didn't take shit too serious pre-fight. The Put Bull spent a little too much time having doggie treats and playing with his water dish and not enough time preparing. Jon Fitch took him to obedience school. Fitch is really a talented fighter. The judges noticed this. Thiago could not do anything about it. Another unanimous decision on the night, this one going to Fitch. Re-match these two, Alves get's out of the dog house and back in the yard, and I think we see a different Pit Bull than we did tonight, and I think Alves takes it. Tonight, Fitch was the better of the two, but give me this fight 5 more times, and I pick Alves every one of them.
Son of a fucking bitch-
Chael Sonnen, who I had said I was predicting to upset Silva tonight, ruled the contest. To think Sonnen would go down in the first or second round is retarded. You can't beat Sonnen like that. He may not be the most impressive fighter, but you can't dominate the man, it is just not gonna happen. That said, Anderson Silva is still the man. You can not deny him, love or hate his antics, the fact that he is at least in the top 3 when you discuss the overall best in MMA. the match went all 5, but it was not up to the judges. The Spider Monkey Mamba King made sure of that. Silva manages to pull out a Triangle Choke and rings the dinner bell. Sonnen submits. A great main event, even if Sonnen did not pull it out. Skill or Luck for Silva? Well the bitterness screams LUCK, but his track record says bad ass mother fucker. Did we really need the bow Silva? I think we need to have a pound for pound showdown now... GSP vs. Silva... But I will be damn if Chael Sonnen is not at least in the conversation... He proved tonight that he belongs in the discussion. HE DOMINATED SILVA. Hook em' up again.

Great show. The Main Draw really lived up to expectations. Maybe not the best UFC offering from top to bottom, but you could argue both sides of that and seem convinving either way.. The Main Eventers pulled their weight and earned the box office tonight... Damn,I am so bummed over Sonnen/Silva... Oh well, maybe imagining Ken Shamrock getting his head beat in by a 12 year old girl because he is punch drunk and broke will make it better...


jesseward said...

Best UFC I've seen in 2 years.

The Silva fight was epic win all the way.

I got up early the next day and went for a run, I was so pumped up.


todd said...

agreed that this was a great ppv.

Sonnen won 4 rounds against one of the best in the world. i was very impressed but its not like he was enflicting serious damage. silva wasnt hurt much at all. great fight though. obvouisly silva had trouble with the style matchup.

i see a sonnen marquart rematch for the number one contender. this would be awesome in my opinion.

agreed on nelson being able to take a ass whipping and keep on fighting. in nelsons defense dos santos is out of nelsons league so this was a very tough matchup for him, or anyone for that matter. nelsons growing on me.

agreed on gsp silva. what weight class though? gsp would have to go up right? i think silva would have trouble with this match up as well but i think he beats gsp in like the 3rd rd.

todd said...

agreed that this was a great ppv.

Sonnen won 4 rounds against one of the best in the world. i was very impressed but its not like he was enflicting serious damage. silva wasnt hurt much at all. great fight though. obvouisly silva had trouble with the style matchup.

i see a sonnen marquart rematch for the number one contender. this would be awesome in my opinion.

agreed on nelson being able to take a ass whipping and keep on fighting. in nelsons defense dos santos is out of nelsons league so this was a very tough matchup for him, or anyone for that matter. nelsons growing on me.

agreed on gsp silva. what weight class though? gsp would have to go up right? i think silva would have trouble with this match up as well but i think he beats gsp in like the 3rd rd.

todd said...

agreed that this was a great ppv.

Sonnen won 4 rounds against one of the best in the world. i was very impressed but its not like he was enflicting serious damage. silva wasnt hurt much at all. great fight though. obvouisly silva had trouble with the style matchup.

i see a sonnen marquart rematch for the number one contender. this would be awesome in my opinion.

agreed on nelson being able to take a ass whipping and keep on fighting. in nelsons defense dos santos is out of nelsons league so this was a very tough matchup for him, or anyone for that matter. nelsons growing on me.

agreed on gsp silva. what weight class though? gsp would have to go up right? i think silva would have trouble with this match up as well but i think he beats gsp in like the 3rd rd.