... in my fellow fantasy players. Pete Rose smoked, drank, fucked thousands of women, gambled, shot in the high 60's for 18, was an accomplished civic serviceman and, oh yeah, he gather over 4000 hits against the best baseball pitchers alive during 3 decades of play.
You guy are homos for posting any slander against this guy. He is easily a top 100 player by nearly any measurement. Just look at any legit pertinent list.
Filthy dirty titties.
I am ashamed of this group.
Go Strohs!
Finally some fucking reason here! I am sick and tired of the Pete bashing that goes on here, but according to these ass-hats that bash Rose and the Baseball Hall of Fame, Rapist, Drug Addicts, Cheaters(confessed at that,need examples, ok here is a big one Whitey Ford) and Racists (Need a really big example for that too? Rogers Hornsby, member of the KKK)and murderers who fixed plenty of games and intimidated witnesses including stabbing them to avoid sentencing and he was also a biggot and racist, Ty Cobb, also woman beaters and child molesters are all in the hall, but not Pete. When in the fuck did gambling on something you are apart of become more socially shunned than rape or murder??? When the moral high and mighty of the Baseball world vote for the hall, that's when. And this all whole Stats approach to disprove he deity ??? It's bullshit, stats are like biblical scriptures, you can twist the meanings and the words to support outlandish claims that they are not even remotely intended to represent not support a claim...
The point isn't that Rose should not be a Hall Of Fame Player. The point is that his legacy as a Top 15-20 Player in the majority of peoples eyes is based on the image rather than the numbers. Yes numbers can be twisted but those who question my numbers always point toward those 42K hits. Hell Lenny Dykstra hustled but he isn't a Hall of Famer. Rose Hall Of Fame Yes. Top 50 Player of All Time no. Top 100 perhaps.
Tired of pro-pete crowd always saying that there are worse criminals in the HOF. Pete broke baseballs number one rule. I hope he never gets in.
Hes the 100th best hitter ever
Rose not only bet on baseball but bet on his won team from their clubhouse, that is crazy! I am not going to sit here and act like Rose is one of the best players of all time just because he played for the Reds. I would a healthy Eric Davis over him any day of the week.
I would take*
You are a complete fucktard with no reasoning skills. Your life is worthless.
I would take a healthy Bo Jackson over Eric Davis.
Everyone is missing the point.
If Rose is the 100th best hitter, name 99 better ones.
Instead of a wiffle ball game I say we just have a competition of fisticuffs.
I hate you mother fuckers.
Mike "King" Kelly
Billy Hamilton
Nap Lajoie
Honus Wagner
Ty Cobb
Tris Speaker
Sam Rice
George Sisler
Babe Ruth
Rogers Hornsby
Lou Gehrig
Hack Wilson
Mel Ott
Jimmie Foxx
Chuck Klein
Hank Greenburg
Josh Gibson
Joe Medwick
Joe DiMaggio
Ted Williams
Stan Musial
Jackie Robinson
Yogi Berra
Mickey Mantle
Duke Snider
Willie Mays
Hank Aaron
Eddie Mathews
Ernie Banks
Al Kaline
Roberto Clemente
Frank Robinson
Orlando Cepeda
Willie McCovey
Billy Williams
Lou Brock
Willie Stargell
Tony Perez
Rod Carew
Reggie Jackson
Michael Jack Schmidt
George Brett
Robin Yount
Dave Winfield
Kirby Puckett
Eddie Murray
Wade Boggs
Cal Ripken
Tony Gwynn
Andre Dawson
Big Mac
Barry Bonds
Jim Rice
Albert Pujols
Sammy Sosa
Ryan Howard
Chipper Jones
Dale Murphy
Jim Thome
Carlos Delgado
Pudge Rodriguez
ok so there is 64. So I guess Rose is the 65th best hitter. Your a fag.
Nice effort Todd. We here in the 64/60 research dept. Will post are findings on Friday morning. Jesse what are the standards we must go by. Are we able to include players such as Davis who a great three or four year run but career was limited by injuries. Are we able to include current players who still have the majority of their career left such as a Carl Crawford. How about current players who should be locks to Cooperstown such as jeter or ARod. You give me the stipulations and let the Factory sort it out.
If you can find 100 players with better stats than Pete Rose, I will publicly admit that you and cocksucker are right and I am wrong. The players must meet HOF requirements.
Jim Thome?
You are a fucking idiot.
How can you conclusively show that Thome is a better player?
Rose only played 4 more years than Thome.
Rose has
- twice as many hits
- more doubles
- more triples
- better average
- less strikeouts
- more runs
- more games
- more MLB awards
Explain to me how Thome is better.
ok so take Thome out and put Manny in. He's still at best the 65th best hitter. your a fag.
Also thought it was interesting that you only had a problem with Thome.
Thus you concede that Rose is the 65th best hitter ever.
The score is 2-0 for Todd over Jesse Gilbert.
Todd, I didn't even know I was playing... What is it with you people who have never had any athletic ability at all constantly trying to convince people you know sports and your opinion should matter when it comes to these matters?? It shouldn't... And it doesn't ... Todd you are nothing more than a spoiled little bitch who has never had to do anything but wait for mommy and daddy to do or buy it for you... Please don't ever make reference to me in any fashion again... I challenged your manhood on 2 ocassions and you didn't not accept. You are a pussy, you need to practice better hygiene, and you really need to consider becoming whatever amount of a man you are able to muster from your cock sucking being...
please. the first post was yours retard.
have no idea why you want to fight me. oh yea. your a hater.
i won the fador arguement and the rose arguement. en fuego.
Thome career numbers.
.277 AVG 577HR .404OBP .557Slug%
.960 OPS
Pete Rose career numbers.
.303AVG, 160HR, .375OBP, .409Slug%
.784 OPS
Then go back and read the first post you ignorant fuck.. Read it out loud if it helps, does it state that I proclaim that Pete rose is the best hitter ever? Does it proclaim anywhere that I gave him a particular number in order in which he was all time? You stupid fuck all I said was how the hall was full if people with low moral fiber... What arguement about Fedor did you win? All I remember and then going back and reading the comments confirms my memory served me right, was that all I ever stated at the time was that fedor was the top heavy in the world, and low and behold he was ranked as such... If you are gonna claim you win arguements, in the future, make sure you let the other person know you are arguing.. You are complete and utterly Repugnant peice of shit... And you right I do hate you , because you are a little fucking bitch. Keep running your cock sucker...
Coleman you didn't include the statistics I mentioned.
Todd I said Rose was in the top 100 of all time. So at 65, I win. Go fuck yourself.
Jesse, you said Rose was the 22nd best hitter.
Have a wonderful day.
Sorry you hate me. I nothing you.
You said Fedor was the best heavyweight. He loses like 3 days later to a guy most people have never heard of.
Even if you didnt assign Pete a number, you and Jesse are the same person to me so I just lumped you all together.
Kinda like a guy couple who finishes eachother's sentences.
I never said Rose was the 22nd best hitter.
Your continuing lack of any sort of mental acumen is astonishing. Thank you for basically, in an attempt at making excuses for your stupidity, proving the point that I had already made on the matter.
On the comment that me and Jesse are the same person and you lump us together as such, even going as far as making a guy couple reference... Not every male relationship is a gay one, i know that is the glue that holds everything together in you and your male friends' dynamic, but it is not the norm. You can't apply you standards and practices on to us, you will not push your homosexual agenda on the rest of us. The more you comment, the more retarded you come off. It is really interesting theater, but it is getting old. Christ sakes you are a fuck in a half.
P.S. I know you claim you would say that you would make these statements to mine or Jesse's faces, but reality is you wouldn't, and if you ever fucked up and did, you would get your ass handed to you, but you will turn this into 'Oh you guys are so barbaric' situation. Look, you can't keep hiding behind a shroud of 'maturity' and 'intellect', we understand, your a pussy.
Until next time Quasimodo...
Josh and I may argue about alot of things, but I have never once told him who he can be friends with or who he can have in this house. This is lucky for you as I think you are one of the shittiest human beings that ever walked the face of the planet. Any good quality you may possess...yeah you got a degree....is completely erased the moment you open your mouth. Every year you make my skin crawl just a little bit more. I cannot fathom why a guy like Josh would feel its neccessary to be friends with you. I guess he just tries to find the best in everybody or else he is just holding on to the "old" Jesse he is always talking about. Whatever...if he wants to associate with you fine...but when you come here, stay away from me and leave your homo comments at the door.
I'm going to assume there is some reason for your hatred of Todd, which is none of my business. I have always liked you and you are always welcome here. I would just like to send a little reminder out there that Todd is my family and important to me so while your here please keep the rather intense name calling and threatening to a minimium especially if the kids are here. I know both of you are big boys and can handle smack talk and I dont think either one of you would be disrespectful in front of the kids (well anymore than Josh and I are). Just wanted to throw it out there.
p.s. Brady keeps asking where my boyfriend is :)
you ma'am have a deal... :)
be on my best behavior.
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