If you were a baseball fan growing up in the 80's in Eastern Kentucky you rooted for the Reds and Charlie Hustle was baseball. In the Coleman household it was tough growing up a sports fan. It wasn't like Hop was kicked back every evening listening to Marty on the Radio. So my baseball past and present was the back of baseball cards in GRC3's room. I knew that Carl Yastrzemski, Reggie Jackson and Nolan Ryan we're good players because those cards were separated and placed in a better container. I also knew that this Pete Rose guy must be something really special. I knew this because their was a Charlie Hustle Pennant along with a RC Can and various other Big Red Machine Memorabilia spread throughout the room. I also had one of the classic Sports Illustrated player posters in my room and who else could it be other than Pete Rose. It wasn't just GRC3 who educated me on the Hit King. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a group of kids that even though I was several years younger, allowed me to participate in the daily wiffle ball games played in every yard in the neighborhood. My love of sports is directly thanks to them and I give thanks to them everyday. They to loved Pete. He was the spark plug for the big Red Machine. One of the kids had a freakin mural dedicated to Rose on their bedroom wall. My mind was made up PETE ROSE was a baseball god.
I meet Pete Rose before my teen years. He was signing baseball cards and various other items in a shopping mall in the Cincinnati area. I was in town preparing to see the Reds against my favorite team at the time the New York Mets (I was young and very impressionable, besides Doc Gooden was pretty cool). Pete busted my chops for wearing a Mets cap. I had him sign a 1984 Fleer card with him as a Phillie that I had purchased. He thanked me and I was on my way. I had meet the God himself, I had come face to face with the greatest baseball player of all time. Not only that but Pete didn't just go through the motions with me he actually joked about my hat. It was one of those few moments in life were everything is good in the world.
As the years have passed and my baseball passion has become my own, my appreciation for Pete and his place in baseball history has faded. I was saddened when he was banned for life and I was one of the last holdouts of the Pete only bet on his team to win crowd. My love for the statistics have lead me to believe that Pete not only isn't the Golden God of Baseball but that he shouldn't be considered among the Top 50 players of All Time or perhaps lower. I know that this will be a highly debated or criticized statement to many who follow this site but please take a look at some of the numbers before you fill the comment section.
First the good. Pete Rose without a doubt belongs in the baseball Hall Of Fame. Had the events of the past not have occurred Pete would have been a first ballot guy as he should have been. Pete finished as the all time leader in Hits 4256, Games Played 3562, Plate Appearances 15861, and AB 14053. Yes some of these numbers are due to longevity but being able to year after year remain healthy over the course of 24 season is something that should be celebrated. To put it in perspective the Average Hall Of Fame Hitter played in 2131 Games in his Career and had 8982 career PA. Not only did Rose play nearly everyday over those 24 Seasons but he also played wherever needed. Over his career Rose played all three OF positions along with 3B, 2B and 1B. Pete Rose was a career .303 hitter and averaged 98 Runs over the course of 162 games throughout his career. Rose lead the league in Runs 4 times, Hits 7 times, AVG 3 Times and OBP 2 times. He owns One MVP as well as the Rookie of The Year. Rose was a 17 time All Star which is tied for the 12th most of all time.
Now for the strikes against Rose. Pete Rose wasn't much of a threat as a hitter. Yes Rose was a good hitter but he had little power and no speed. His 162 Game Average for his career was a .303 AVG with 7HR 98Runs 60RBI and 9 SB. Other than the .303 mark (which actually is the Average AVG for Hall Of Fame hitters) and the 98 Runs everything else is below average production. Throw the RBI out because Rose hit near the top of the lineup but even in the 60's and 70's 20+ HR seasons were the normal. And typically players who are considered the table setters usually have a threat of speed, certainly not Pete. If your a fan of the more indicator statistics as I am Pete even falls farther from the elite. Pete's slash line is .303AVG/.375OBP/.409SLG/.784OPS the average HOF Hitter slash line is .303/.377/.462/.839. Pete is at the target with AVG and just below AVG in OBP but trails considerably in Slugging and OPS. In fact Pete would Rank 78th in Average amongst all HOF, 77th in OBP, 118th in SLG% and 113th in OPS. Yes Pete won an MVP but during his other 23 seasons he only finished among the Top 5 vote getter's only 4 times. Perhaps his biggest contribution, versatility, could also be questioned as Pete wasn't a pre-Jose Oquendo who played several positions well. Pete won only two Gold Gloves and both were as a OF. Perhaps the best example of Pete Rose's place in baseball history can be found with his WAR standing. For those of you who aren't familiar with WAR, WAR stand for Wins Above Replacement. Bill James a famous sabermatrician created a formula to determine how many wins a player provided their team in comparison to a player who performed at the league average during that season. James went back throughout the history of baseball and rated every player. Rose created 75.3 wins for his teams during his career which is good for 67th on the all time list.
I realize this is going to be a tough sale to everyone. It's not just locally I would venture to say that 80% of casual baseball fans if asked to name the 10 best hitters of all time would name Rose. Still to this day I am a huge Pete Rose fan. Every highlight I have seen shows me a player who played with an all out style like no other. The image of Charlie Hustle running around the bases with the hair flopping has become the legend not the numbers. The numbers say that Rose was a good player who played a really long time and performed well above your average player. The numbers say that Rose had 4256 career hits but 76% resulted in Rose being on first. Baseball Reference has player comparisons for every major league player. Each players career is compared to 10 other players. Pete Rose career resembles in order Paul Molitor, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb, Robin Yount, Paul Waner, George Brett, Cap Anson, Lou Brock, Rickey Henderson, Craig Biggio. All of them are HofF or of that caliber but only Cobb and perhaps Henderson would be considered as a ALL Time great.
Pete Rose was the most recognized player from one of the most recognized teams in the history of baseball. This should certainly earn him a plaque in Cooperstown but not a seat amongst the greatest the game has ever seen.
Just when I think you are starting to create some decent articles with proper reasoning, you drop a fucking tard mess like this and ruin your credibility as a sports journalist.
"This (all the stats you just mentioned) should certainly earn him a plaque in Cooperstown but not a seat amongst the greatest the game has ever seen." Isn't being inducted into the HOF itself a seat amongst the greatest the game has ever seen?
Is it possible that Rose was more than a singles hitter with a decent glove? I mean, do hitting and fielding statistics give a complete description of a ball player? Surely not even you can believe that it does.
I will agree with you that Rose is arguably not one of the top 50 players to ever play but he is certainly a HOF'er and therefore one of the greatest.
When are we going to Cooperstown for a 64/60 sports trip?
Well said my brother.Any mention of baseball cards always brings a flush of warm feelings.I must say I miss the days of the Sunday paper boxscores and Marty and Joe on the radio..........OK so I am old, is that a bad thing?We get spoiled with stat-tracker and sports center 24/7.As far as Pete goes he was never my favorite but a worthy HOFer.If OJ can be in Canton why shouldnt Pete be in Cooperstown?
The Singles King is the most overrated player in any sport. He is a HOFer mainly because he played so long and had highlights that people remember. Running over Ray Fosse IN AN ALL STAR GAME gives you all the information you need about his character.
He ran over that catcher because the winner of the All Star game gets home field advantage.
I'm sure you can't relate because you are a passive leech. The real men compete and love to do it. Rose was a fierce competitor and no one was safe if they were in the way of his goal; which in most cases was to win. So his character is that of a steadfast winner.
I can hardly believe all the Pete Rose hate on here. Here is a guy who was great at what he did, good enough to play at the professional level for 24 years, won 2 golden gloves, made 17 All Star appearance, is the all time hit leader, etc etc.
Please give me your argument that the all time hit leader is the most overrated player in any sport. I can't wait to rip this apart.
I hope Gilbert kicks your ass in the near future.
... gets home field advantage in the All-Star game...
WTF is this?
"....Pete Rose wasn't much of a threat as a hitter. Yes Rose was a good hitter ...."
I guess he wasn't much of a hitter if no one was in scoring position or the team didn't want any base runners.
NEWSFLASH numbnuts!
There is more to hitting than crushing 500 foot homeruns.
Imagine this, if a player went 1/10 every 10 bats every season and played for 24 years he would hit ~1200 homeruns. His lifetime AVG would be .100, not even barely respectable as a professional baseball player yet he would be, by far, the all time HR king. Rose was not a one dimensional player however. He understood how to put the ball in play and manufacture runs and wins. As the owner of a manufacturing facility, I would think you could respect this.
The man played to win the game; whatever it took. How can anyone not respect that?
Rose was overrated but should be in the hall of fame for his hits record alone.
He played for 50 years. Now if you want to talk about ballers then look no further than one Eric Davis the greatest Red of them all.
I would also like to had that Pete Rose had one hella nice ass on him.
Whereas Rose certainly had a nice ass...
Here are the points to remember
1) He is not a top 20 player
2) He is a top 100 player
Now shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.
Anyone who says he is better than the 21st ranked player is overrating him.
Anyone who says he is worse than the 100th player is underrating him.
The winner of the All Star game gets home field advantage now but that was instated just 4 or 5 years ago. Just for clarification I fully support running over a Catcher to win a game regardless of it counts or not. As for my threat of a hitter quote. The point is yes Rose was a good hitter but he wasn't a threat who can change the game with one swing of the bat at any moment. Nor was he the type of hitter who could get on base and release hell such as a Rickey Henderson. To sum it up in modern day terms. Rose was Christian Guzman who is a steady .300 hitter who will constantly be pitched to aggresively unless certain situations would dictate otherwise. A example of this would be two outs with runners in scoring position and a more favorable matchup on deck. No need to send a follow up regarding comparing Rose to Guzman. Rose is by far a better player it's just an example.
good call on the all star game jesse. the winner of the all star game gets home field advantage in the world series as of like 4 years ago. good call buddy.
Rose might be the 100th best hitter. Might be.
Nice work on the home field advantage.
Regardless, you play to win the game. He represented the winning run. Celebrate your mediocrity.
Fuck off.
The All Star game did not matter. In no way would anyones life be altered on the outcome of the game. Except maybe Pete who had money on it.
But if a self indulged liar takes it upon himself to run over a fellow professional baseball player during a game that does not matter then it questions his professionalism and judgement.
Its like Jared Allen blindsiding Payton Manning during a pro bowl.
For everyone keeping score that is two arguements for Todd and none for Jesse Gilbert. 2-0 bitches.
Sure. You win.
I'm going to fuck your girlfriend the next time I'm in town.
Dont think you can. She doesnt like old guys.
After I fuck her brains out, we'll let her decide.
Now fuck off, everyone else has work to do.
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