Every year league commissioners across the globe debate on how to set up their league. You must decide the stat categories to track. You must decide what number of teams should participate among a host of other topics. Perhaps ones biggest choice however is to decide what scoring setup you prefer. There are three types of league setups Head to Head, Rotisserie, and Point Style. A quick note on Points Scoring Leagues, if anyone has not played a point league I highly suggest you give it a shot. My first Fantasy leagues were on Sandbox. Sandbox was a Head to Head league based on points. The point system is decided by the Commissioner but typically a pitcher gets a point per out a point per K and minus a point per hit allowed, Walk, HBP and run allowed. Offensively a hit was a point per base as was a Walk while Runs,RBI, ans SB was a point each. The team with the most points in a week was awarded with a Win. Sandbox was a well run site with no issues to speak of. However Sandbox decided to charge some type of fee for usage and with that came my departure from Sandbox and to Yahoo. I have heard from many Sandbox regulars and they have stated that the Fee is no longer charged for all games just the premium packages.
Rotisserie baseball is the grandaddy of them all. The original game compiles a teams totals in each stat and ranks the teams based on their totals. For example if a team has the most HR's and they play in a 12 team league they would be awarded 12pts. A team that has the second most would be given 11pts and the steps would repeat themselves until the last place team is awarded 1 PT. In the event of a tie a difference of the two numbers is given. This process is repeated for all stats the team with the highest total is awarded first place in the standings. The best part of a Roto league is the fact that the best teams are awarded as such because the numbers won't lie over the course of a long season.
Finally the Head to Head format. Head to Head matches two teams up over a designated time frame. If team a has better numbers in AVG they win that category this process is duplicated until all the stats have been decided. Once this process has been completed the winner is the owner who has won the most stats. In the event of a tie a tie is given for that stat. If Team A wins 8 stats and Team B takes home 2 with two ties the record should look like 8-2-2. Head to Head type leagues offer the most intriguing season. A head to Head format keeps more teams alive than your typical Roto season unless something uncommon would come up. Perhaps the best part of a Head to Head format is the trash talking amongst good friends. As should be expected Head to Head has more to do with luck than any other format and often times teams that have struggled for the most part still somehow find themselves in the middle of things.
For the sake of picking a side lets eliminate the Point Style System. As stated before this is actually the same format just a different set of data is used. Personally I prefer the Head to Head Style. As a player who has been at the bottom of the standings in a Roto League nothing is more depressing then spending 20minutes or so a day making adjustments to a team that is 25 Points behind the leader. Under the same scenario in a Head to Head league a big 11-1 win could put me right back in the middle of a pennant race. Head to Head also gives you a better oppurtunity to TrashTalk your buddies from out of town or who you don't see as often as you would like. One can take pride in a season by beating certain teams. If your 25 games out in the final week you aren't going anywhere but perhaps you can put a end to a nemisis playoff pursuit by taking them down 10-2. Simply put in a Head To Head league the entire season more than likely has importance to someone. If you are a purist at heart then stick with the Roto style but if you enjoy the competition and comradory then the Head to Head style should be your selection.
Interestingly enough over the years I have found very little difference in the standings of teams regardless of the style of play. Simply put if you are a good team then your success will likely be equalled in the other format. In fact over the last three season the final standings during the regular season have often mirrored the Roto values of each squad. Typically a teams Head to Head standings is within one to two spots either way of their Roto Standings. Oddly enough each year their seems to be one team who overachieves in a Head to Head league and one team underachieves when comparing their actual totals and it simply can be explained as bad luck. I have compiled some numbers and head to head records from the current 2010 season of 64/60 Baseball. All the stats are up to the conclusion of Week 11 any of the numbers compiled this week are not included in the research. Take a look at the numbers has the 64/60 rewarded the best teams thus far or has it simply been about the best matchups?
Standings Head to Head Roto
1. 9irons 1. Dingers
2. Dingers 2. 9irons
3. Colonels 3. Colonels
4. Worldwide 4. BCFP
5. 41129ers 5. Worldwide
6. Stars 6. 41129ers
7. Vonderheides 7. Carp
8. BCFP 8. Stars
9. Carp 9. Vonderheides
10. H&D 10. Smackers
11. Smackers 11. Duckies (T)
12. Duckies 12. H&D (T)
Stat Total Leaders(Head to Head Record) Head to Head Recod Leaders(Stat Totals)
Runs BC Dingers (7-4) 9irons 9-2 (6th in league)
HR Worldwide (8-2-1) Worldwide 8-2-1 (1)
RBI BCFP (7-4) BCFP 7-4 1st
SB Vonderheides (8-3) 9irons 9-1-1 (2)
AVG Dingers (8-3) Three tied at 8-3 (ranked 1st,2nd 3rd)
OPS Worldwide (8-3) Three tied at 8-3 (ranked 1st,6th,3rd)
SV Two Tied (8-3, 10-1) Smackers 10-1 (tied 1st)
K 41129ers (8-3) Four Tied at 8-3 (ranked 1,2,3,4)
ERA 9irons (7-4) Smackers 8-3 (tied 3rd)
WHIP 9irons (8-3) 9irons 8-3 (1st)
K/9 BCFP (8-3) 4 Tied at 8-3 (1st,2nd,3rd,8th)
QS 41129ers (7-2-2) Worldwide 8-1-2 (5th)
League Worst Totals (Head to Head Record) League Worst Head to Head (League Rank)
Runs Vonderheides (5-6) 2 tied at 3-8 (7th, 10th)
HR Vonderheides (3-6-2) Duckies 2-6-3 (Tied 5th)
RBI 41129ers (5-5-1) Carp 3-8 (10th)
SB 2 Tied (2-7-2, 2-8-1) Smackers 1-7-3 (9th)
AVG 2 Tied (4-7, 1-10) Smackers 1-10 (T-12th)
OPS Smackers (2-9) Smackers 2-9 (12th)
SV Duckies (0-10-1) Duckies 0-10-1 (12th)
K Duckies (2-9) Duckies 2-9 (12th)
ERA BCFP (1-10) BCFP 1-10 (12th)
WHIP BCFP (2-9) BCFP 2-9 (12th)
K/9 Smackers (3-8) H&D 2-9 (11th)
QS Duckies (2-9) Duckies 2-9 (12th)
Once again if anyone is paying attention there is a trade that is not logical at all from one side.Butch gets a arm he can get for free and another one that is probably done this year.Chris gets a probable top 50 player coming off the DL in the next week.
I love the passion shown but Im not feeling your pain with this one. Yes both Beckett and Bumgarner are shaky options given health and lack of experience but Ellsbury hasn't even started baseball activities yet and will likely require a minimum of a 10 game rehab stint. At best you are looking at late July at the earliest. Also Ellsbury top 50 value is based on 70SB not gonna happen over the course of 65 games or so.
Yes, Rashard....Do a little research....Beckett should be back way before Ellsbury, and Bumgardner is one of the top minor league pitchers in all of baseball.
He might be available on the waiver if I released him, but I'm betting he's a better option than what some people currently have on their teams.
Butchy gets the quality starter he's looking for with the addition of another quality arm....While I hope to get some R,
AVG,SB help down the line
OK.If Josh and Chris say it and Butch believes it how can it not be true.At years end lets be sure to do a review of this trade and see who the winner.is.
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