Another week keeping the status quo her in the interchange of 64/60. I decided to get away from Father Abraham, and went to Bucky ball for a change of pace in the naming of the franchise. Hopefully it will pay dividends for me as the newly christened Los Vonderheides have slowly but surely been creeping away from that small ball tag.
The rift between Jesse and Burt continues to grow... It appears that Jesse is residing in the land of Parts Unknown, hanging out with the Ultimate Warrior and the Conquestadors. The Smackers have dropped to abyssmal levels and have become a virtual non-factor. I smell another league-sabbotaging scandal on the horizon. There was once a time, back in 1996, when Myself, Burt, Jesse and WIlliam "Willie" Moon banded together in the rather seedy venue of the Continental Inn and became the Horsemen...It would appear that Jesse is out. Maybe we need to get James to go on a vision quest and see if we can find Jesse...
Was The Butch-Chrissy trade one sided as Richard claims??? Well, Richards shadow, also known to us as Todd feels that way too...
The era of the BCS Super Conference is upon us...The Big 10 and Pac 10 are both making bids to rape the Big 12. It is gonna happen, and come next season, we could see a very different landscape... One in which the Big East will not be so Big. If the Pac and Big 10 get new members, the SEC will retaliate, and West Virginia, Louisville, Oklahoma, and Texas will call the conference that makes God smile home. Notre Dame has to take the Big 10 up on their offer or be left out in the cold. It all fits into a new trend in which schools are looking into having their own networks, making the package deal of cable and conferences a non issue, conference identity is being ushered out for school singularity...But in order to have an Identity, you will have to be part of one of the superconferences.
Quinton Jackson has looked flat in his UFC outings of late, like he is missing his competitive spark and fire. He has been off playing Mr. T in Hollywood. But last Monday, he entered the realm of Sports Entertainment, and by his own admission, through Twitter, he has become consumed by the pro wrestling business, so much to the point that he says that he wants in. I think Rampage, a self-admitted life-long wrestling fan who idolized the JYD, is going to make the cross-over to pre-determined combat the same way Shamrock, Severn, Randallman, Coleman, Frye, and Barnett have done. I think a more athletic, MMA based appraoch to the Rope-Opera is on the horizon. A throw back to the old days, the matches on TV are going to appear to be actual contests and less of the garbage tv is going to prevelant. Get ready for The wrist lock to become a lethal finisher in the land of Pro Wrestling.
BBN has dodged one bullet. The Bulls have selected a suitor and it was not John Calipari. The next target, Cleavland apparently has it sights set on Tom Izzo, not Cal. So, it looks like the slick-haired Cal may be back selling his snake-oil in Lexington afterall... I hope this to be the case...
Stephen Strausbrg had a 14k performance that got him his first MLB win, in his MLB debut. Just days after the Nats' selected ol' Bryce as the number one pick in the draft. The Nats are building something in the Nations capital, and if they keep all the peices falling into place, They may become Chris Lee's favorite team once they start making playoff runs.
Not a heck of a whole lot going on this Rainy Tuesday, but I am still about half out of it. having just pulled 12's the last 6 days...should be more once I have woken up a little bit more... Midget Wrestling Thursday Night at Frogtown in Ironton...I already have my tickets...
The bandwagoning reference is lost on me... If you are referring to the TB Rays. I've been following the Tampa Bay Devil/Sun Shine Rays since 1999 when they acquired the living legend Jose Canseco and Texas native, Carl Crawford.
The ol' Beaked one can verify this....So blow me.
Mcgillicutty will be a STAR!!
Your thoughts?
Thanks for the peice your literary genius has been missed by one and all.
Your statement regarding Jesse's departure from the Horsemen made me wonder if anyone had ever walked away from the Horsemen on their own terms?
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