Monday, May 24, 2010

State Of The 64/60 Address


Bopp said...

LOL!!!!!!!!! Nicely done, Burt.

You forgot to end with "Thank you YouTube Sports Viewers"
(KSR regulars should get this.)

Josh Coleman said...

Jesse Ward.....Jesse Ward.....Jesse Ward....has anyone talked to Mr. Ward.

Anonymous said...

Very well done presentation brother.

Anonymous said...

classy. felt like JJ Dillion laying down the law. weekly leagues suck i think.


Bopp said...

Agreed.... Weekly leagues blow ass.

Idge said...

This was awesome...

Big H.I. said...

Dude this is awesome.

Anonymous said...

No weekly league.


Anonymous said...

No weekly league. You won't get as involved as we are now. Teams will be just looked at every so often vs. every day.

Anonymous said...

Kiss my muthafuckin ass, here iam casually browsing for some hot biker women barley dressed on u tube, and some goddam how i see fuckin burty coleman with a public announcement about fantasy baseball,very small world we live in....very small!!!

Josh Coleman said...

The world is only as small as the walls you confine yourself to.-Josh Coleman