Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great, just great...In my time away from the blog, well if you don't count lurking and trolling, it has apparently become 'post a fond memory complete with captain kirk-esque logs on every imaginable detail'...It was a warm-fuzzy moment, and it was clearly stated that is was the purpose of the author to provide an alternate perspective on sports reporting/blogging...This is 6460. We don't win pullitzers. We don't strive to get that lil' silver sticker that some books get for being groundbreaking and imaginative. We only blog about bullshit that don't matter, and dabble in statistics...and we all take pot shots at Chris and try to hurt his feelings...and it works like gangbusters...

So, consider this the everyman's rebuttal to Jesse's Field and Stream expose... 'BG' would probably slap your ass for getting sentimental on the blog, and rest assured, he would tell you to get a job, regardless of age or current employment status...That's how he rolls.

Coach Cal running with the Bulls??? Grabbing the Bulls by the horns??? I hope that these do not become headlines in the sports world, you might even say that I pray that these are a load of Bull. A conspiracy concocted by Coach K and ESPN to further drive BBN into a frenzy. Sadly, It may happen. Not geting into the details or the pros and cons of Cal making said move back to the Association...But he does have an ego, er family to feed, and being the highest paid coach in the land and running the Roman empire is not enough in these lean times to put food on the one of kind marble top-Italian hand crafted- gold incrusted table. Surely he won't leave after he said himself that he would be back at Kentucky coaching next year, right? I mean he said so himself, He was not leaving...That has to be worth something don't it???Memphis????? We watched a door for 48 hours straight for this???

After seeing how things are done in the 64/60 Baseball league, I have to wonder, why even waste time drafting pitchers???
That right there should create an interesting debate...I am only the instigator here, I will not debate Politics, Religion, or the debacle that is Rotation Management...

In what is one of the last vestiges of our grand pastime, one of the roofs, the visitor to be precise, dug-outs at the Catlettsburg Ball Park has, well fallen off... To the best of my knowledge, the Burg's field is the only one in the area that has actual, major-league esque dug-outs. I hope that they do not decide that tearing the concrete heavens down and replact them with the bastard above ground models, but if it is cost affective, and somebody from Boyd COunty makes the suggestion, that is what will be done...It was bad enough when the Bleachers, which I swear to God led directly to the pearly gates of the here after were demolished, and never replaced...But to be fair and honest, the field it's self was not made into a baseball diamond until 1985...Previous to this, The Bat Cats plyed their wares at Haney Field, now site to a Clarks Pump-n Shop...I digress...

Speaking of ballparks...Why in the hell has Fannin Park fallen into such dismal condition... Now, I never once called that field my home, but I did enjoy the games I played at the compund in my youth in Minor League Tournaments, All-Star Scrimages and Senior League... They recently got some lights put up, but that is not enough...The fake-Catlettsburg of Briarwood really has let a jewel slip by...

Reds in first.
Why in the hell does Toronto still have a team?

The Big Ten is going to have to do alot better than bringing in Notre Dame to surpase the SEC in football... As sad as that is...for Notre Dame...SEC will always reign supreme...

The Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cornhole Cup has been promised to be coming by the brass at 64/60....But damn it I have seen no results to support this.. I think it is because they live in fear of what me and Ev, collectively known as the Kings of Sandy City, will do this year on the cornhole circuit...hey we are on the same page now...the bickering and blaming that has been rapant in past competitions is behind us...

Lilah Rose is doing great... at' big Roman couldn't be less enthused....but, Roman, is, yup, you guessed it, still not hungry.


Anonymous said...

Great to have you back Gilbert. Ghost runner on 2nd doesn't get much better. We will do cornhole soon I am also getting ready to announce another huge 64/60 event that nobody attends.

Josh Coleman
64/60 Commissioner

Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back Mr.Gilbert.


jesseward said...

Blow me.