Friday, May 21, 2010

Fantasy Fundamentals From The Factory : Minor League Overview Part Duex (Position Players)

Today we will look at some of the best prospects in the game. These players all came into the season ranked by many as 50 of the best prospects in the game. These players are all on the cusp of beginning their MLB careers and all are everyday position players.

OF- Mike Stanton AA. .308 AVG, 1.187 OPS, 15 HR, 29 Runs, 37 RBI and 1 SB with 34 BB to 40 K in 133 AB. Stanton is the best pure power prospect in the game and all publications had him listed as a Top 5 prospect overall. High K totals could likely lead to a lower AVG than the .308 mark he has a 2A but a solid HR total should be expected. Given the struggles thus far of Chris Coghlan, Cameron Maybin and Cody Ross, Stanton's career should have already begun but unless two of the three turn it around quickly then Stanton will be up in the first week of June.

3B- Pedro Alvarez AAA. .247 AVG, .831 OPS, 9 HR, 23 Runs, 36 RBI, 2 SB with 19 BB to 40 K. The Pirates would have loved for Alvarez to own Triple A so they could have promoted him in June. Given that Andy LaRoche is still the 3B a promotion could come regardless. The lack of BB is concerning so a low AVG is likely untill some plate discipline is formed. I project a September Call Up.

OF- Desmond Jennings AAA. .274 AVG, .721 OPS, 0 HR, 17 Runs, 5 RBI 9 SB with 9 K and 11 BB in 62 AB. Jennings is another good young players for the Rays. Currently locked into 3A given the depth of the Rays MLB roster. Jennings could be used as trade material come the deadline or as a September Call Up to build more bench depth for the playoff run. September Call Up and will replace Crawford when he leaves for FA in the offseason.

1B- Chris Carter AAA. .245 AVG, .815 OPS, 9 HR, 26 RUns, 26 RBI, 1 SB with 20 BB and 47 K in 147 AB. Carter could be a good source of power for a lineup that really struggles hitting HR's. With the recent call up of Ike Davis, Carter currently doesn't have a place on the roster. Carter could also be used as trade bait come July if the Mets are still in it. Likely September call up.

OF- Michael Taylor AAA. .232 AVG, .698 OPS, 2 HR, 17 RUns, 22 RBI, 3 SB with 10 BB and 24 K in 125 AB. ANother player who's slow start has really hurt his chances at anything more than a September call up. THe A's would love for Taylor to win a job and provide a spark for a rather pedestrian lineup but a .232 AVG in the Minors simply won't cut it.

3B- Josh Bell AAA. .250 AVG, .671 OPS, 6 HR, 19 Runs, 24 RBI, 2 SB with 6 BB and 40 K in 148 AB. Many thought that Bell would be the everyday guy to start the year but instead the O's acquired Atkins in the offseason. Bell appears to have the pop but 6 BB in 148 AB simply isn't cutting it and is the biggest reason for the low AVG and OPS totals. Given the black hole that 3B for the O's has been this year it is easy to invision given Bell a shot but when will be determined on Bell making the adjustments needed to hit succesfully in the bigs.

1B- Brett Wallace AAA. .309 AVG, .981 OPS, 11 HR, 28 Runs, 32 RBI, 0 SB with 15 BB and 40 K in 152 AB. Another really good pure hitter. Wallace unlike Stanton though doesn't have the batting eye to somewhat negate the high K. Wallace is a good power source who could also hit for AVG at the next level. Wallace can play 3B but is much more suited for the 1B job or DH role. Wallace just doesn't have the oppurtunity to play in Toronto at the moment. THe Jays would love to move Overbay but as expected the market doesn't want him. Overbay goes Wallace comes it's a waiting game at this point.

1B- Freddie Freeman AAA. .265 AVG, .767 OPS, 4 HR, 17 RUns, 20 RBI 0 SB with 10 BB and 20 K in 132 AB. A very good contact guy but also doesn't work a ton of walks. Has some pop and is expected to be a solid AVG guy. Another player who is blocked by a aging player in Troy Glaus. Glaus has come around of late but has always been a injury risk. Freeman would be the next option. Given the Braves current spot in the standings should they continue to falter I could see them promote Freeman and begin the new era of Braves baseball which looks to be very bright.


Anonymous said...

what was the fuss over the extra pitcher? i dont really care, just wondering. also i would be in for a cornhole tourney.


Josh Coleman said...

It opens the door for people to abuse the system.