For any married man to have a successful Fantasy season the other half must be understanding, supportive, and willing to share the man she loves. If you play Fantasy Sports and your wife/girlfriend does not have these traits you must decide now which is more important her or the game. Fortunately for myself I have found someone who is not only willing to accept this lifestyle but she herself is willing to live it. Though not as in-depth as me she so often plays second fiddle but rarely complains about the hours upon hours of my time devoted to this silly little game.
For those of you who took the under 5 years ago at the wedding it is time to pay of your debts. At times it feels like the trip has been a matter of days. You wake up and all of a sudden the little kid that ran up the hill in the middle of the ceremony is now nearing the end of elementary school and already has a girlfriend. The middle child has went from the mummy crawl to walking to complete hell raiser in what feels to be moments. And it seems like yesterday that another Friday was spent driving on the AA Highway to spend the weekend in the Queen City just hoping that it will all be over soon.
Of course it also feels like it has been a little longer at times. Perhaps it is the countless hours spent wasted by "What would you like to eat?". Or "Whatever you want to do." I have come to find out that the term it doesn't matter to me means that it sure as hell better matter to you because I ain't sayin shit and if you waste any more of my time it will be your ass. It could also be all the time spent in the proverbial doghouse. All those nose flares and hair curls add up. When the threshold is passed to the doghouse I am destined. The doghouse is short yes/no answers no small talk and sighs of disgust every minute on the minute. I do not desire these situations nor do I seek them but I must say it is these moments that make her who she is. She can be difficult she can be hateful but she is always something and never whatever you want her to be.
All these years later here we are. She may consistently bust my balls for all my misdeeds but she is also the first to support me in all of my pointless or unimportant ventures. She does this not because she is my wife but because she enjoys my happiness. She not only participates in fantasy baseball but on a daily basis she is victim to my barrage of fantasy topics. She does this not for her own pleasure but because it is important to me. She lives through the baseball season and into the football season. She watches baseball nightly and Football on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday. She doesn't do this for the love of the game. It is about her love for me.
I am thankful and thrilled in regards to how my life has turned out. I love my children and the woman who I have joined a partnership with. She may be my biggest critic but she also is the first to give me a pat on the ass when needed. My life is what it is because of her and I am who I am because of her. So thank you for putting up with all those things that drive you crazy. Thank you for your sacrifices. I hope that one day it will be worth it to you.
lets leave this shit to strickly baseball stuff,none of this goooey,,lovey lovey fuckn shit!!!
Brother u have done well for yourself and I am happy for you.However I still can't get over the Headscratcher comment from last week.How can you be critical of me for not picking up a couple of pitchers, that quite frankly would hurt my rotation, while there are over 4 ERA all over the league.Just wondering.
This has no place on this blog.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be suprised if Ashley left the original comment.
I suppose I haven't reached the point in my career that I can discuss anything. My apologies another column regarding life and love isn't in the works.
didn't mind the gushy stuff, but liked the instant backlash by the 64 60 nation.
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