Monday, April 26, 2010

In-N-Out The 64/60 Week 3

  • No that isn't a typo. The Factory is in 11th place. I know it is hard for many of you to fathom that a man with my knowledge of Fantasy Sports could have such a lousy start. It happens to everyone at one point or another during their career and this is my moment. Last night I stayed up late had a nice cold Yuengling and took a long look into the monitor. After the 30 minute evaluation I have concluded that I still love my team but I am man enough to admit that I need help.
  • For those of you out there who also find themselves struggling have you had the intervention yet? It is now that time to look and see where your weakness is and what you can do to fix it. I typically wait until the first full month of the season has passed but you cannot afford to wade in the wasteland of shit for to long. Assess what your weakness is and fix it. In a head to head format such as the 64/60 it can be hard to determine where the help is needed. You may have a bad record but it has more to do with your matchups more than your talent. Conversely you may have a good record but yet the production doesn't warrant the record. The Power Rankings that premier this Week are a good gauge of how effective your team is from a numbers standpoint. If you would like to know where you rank in each category click the Head to Head tab in the Standings. Click on Totals then you can sort through each stat in hitting a pitching.
  • Now for the action on the field. The Dingers find themselves once again at the top of the standings. Although the 9irons are a much better team and better managed than the Dingers they slipped down to the two spot after a tough battle from the Colonels. The Colonels were labeled as pretenders two weeks ago during Christopher's Fireside Chat post, after three weeks the Colonels still find themselves near the top of the standings and the results looked to be justified by the numbers as you will see in the Power Rankings. Ash is the supreme Coleman in the house as I once again have to deal with a defeat at the hands of my wife. Ashley's win is a painful reminder that I am her bitch and I always will be.The Duckies rose from the dead to begin the week and made some roster moves. None of the moves made much of a difference as the Duckies once again suffered a lopsided defeat. Everett Lemaster once again made some noise time and time again on the Waiver Wire as several more roster tweaks were made during the week. Todd Whitley anointed Butch the nickname of Butch Stienbrenner and I vote to approve this nickname. I hope to have the approval by the end of the week. Once again we finished with two ties, two big wins and two tightly contested battles that finished with a very close score. This looks to be a common trend that has formed since the inception of the 64/60. You would figure that the weekly results would be rather sporadic but it generally seems to follow that trend.
  • Hell and Damnation 9 vs. BCFP 3. H&D simply has my number. The contest was somewhat close coming into Sunday's action. Many things would have needed to happen for the Factory just to earn a tie but I was hopeful that I could capture a category or two. It wasn't to be. H&D had a very solid week from both the hitters and the pitchers posting a .293 AVG with a .854OPS to go with a sub 3 ERA and a 1.27 WHIP.
  • League Best- Saves T-6 (Hell and Damnation), K- 72 BCFP, K/9 9.77 BCFP
  • MVP- Brandon Morrow 2QS, 16 K, 2.08 ERA, 1.08 WHIP, K/9 11.08
  • BC Dingers 7 vs. Tude Smackers 5. This was a very close matchup for most of the week as both teams had very productive weeks. Typically the Smackers could have walked away with a 6-0 advantage with the offensive week they had but the Dingers posted some of the weeks best and earned a 3-3 split. The pitching wasn't as sharp as the offense for either team but the Dingers took advantage of their power arms and got the W in K and K/9 and those provided the edge.
  • League Best- Runs 64 Dingers, AVG .313 Dingers , .902 OPS Dingers, HR 14 Smackers, RBI 59 Smackers.
  • MVP- Kendry Morales .542/3/7/10/0/1.509
  • Ohio River Carp 6 vs. Maccabi Hebrewers 6. The first of the leagues draws for the week. Neither team performed exceptionally on the offensive side but both had a nice week on the rubber. The Carp hit double digit HR's that easily bested the 3 HR performance of the Hebrewers. The Carp also benefited from a .251 winning AVG which usually won't earn a W but you only need to be as good as your opponent. Neither squad has looked exceptional in any week this season but both find themselves competing each week and amongst the handful of teams floating near .500.
  • League Best- Saves 6-T Carp, SB 14 Hebrewers, QS 7 Hebrewers
  • MVP- Matt Lindstrom 4 SV, 2 K, 2.25 ERA 1.50 WHIP, 4.50 K/9
  • LeMaestro's 41129ers 9 vs. B'Ville Stars 1. In between all the roster moves the 41129ers still found the time to thump the Stars. Neither team had a good week offensively but the Stars were simply dreadful posting only a .230 AVG and a OPS well below .700 for the week. Both teams pitched well but the 41129ers pitched really well posting league best in ERA and WHIP.
  • League Best- ERA 2.77 41129ers, WHIP 1.07 41129ers.
  • MVP- Ryan Braun .364/2/6/8/3/1.209
  • Prestige Worldwide 6 vs. Rubber Duckies 4. Worldwide tasted victory for the first time this season and are one of only 4 teams above .500 through the early part of the season. Worldwide didn't quite live up to the Prestige level but were easily better than the Duckies. The Duckies had a productive week relatively speaking but we are talking about the Ducks here. Prestige had a 5-1 pitching advantage and that proved to be the difference.
  • League Best- NONE
  • MVP- Robinson Cano .429/1/7/1/1.205
  • Hendo Colonels 6 vs. Argumentative 9irons 6. A heavyweight showdown featuring 2 of the top 4 teams according to the standings. The 9irons once again had a good week offensively and edged the Colonels 4-2. The Colonels had a good week on the rubber posting a ERA just above 3 and a WHIP below 1.20. The 9irons are the greatest fantasy team ever assembled so for the Colonels to even compete with them should automatically earn them a playoff birth. In fact I may go ahead a try to get approval for that by the end of the week.
  • League Best- QS 7 T Colonels
  • MVP- Justin Morneau .476/2/6/7/0/1.560
  • Season Highs Set This Week- Runs 64 BC Dingers, SB T-14 Hebrewers, K 72 BCFP
  • Pickup of the Week
  • Alfonso Soriano BC Dingers. I was critical of Soriano just a week and a half ago on this very blog. I essentially referred to Soriano as washed up. Since Soriano was picked up by the Dingers he has been a plus .300 hitter. Though the power hasn't returned and he is a non-factor on the base paths Soriano has done something over the last two weeks that he has never done in his career. WALK. Soriano is taking more pitches than I have seen since coming to the Cubs. Though I have my doubts that it will continue, Soriano could make for decent trade bait should this recent success continue.
  • Ty Wigginton Bear Creek FP Factory. Wigginton isn't a very attractive name or person for that matter but Wigginton has 20+ HR potential at a very week 2B position. Wigginton has performed really well thus far and other than an inflated FB/HR rate his underlying numbers don't point to a huge drop off. Wigginton's multiple position eligibility only adds to his value as he is eligible at all IF positions.
  • Season Lows set in Week 3. Runs 32 Ohio River Carp, HR 3 Maccabi Hebrewers, SB 2 Ohio River Carp, OPS .669 B'Ville Stars, Saves 0 Rubber Duckies.
  • Head Scratcher of the Week
  • The travels and transactions of Jose Lopez. Jose Lopez is released by the Smackers after a slow start. Lopez is a legit 20 HR threat at a very weak position and also has multiple position eligibility. Lopez was drafted in the 15th Rd so more patience should have been showed in regards to this move. Lopez is then placed on the Waiver Wire and claimed for $41 yes $41 by none other than the 41129ers who now have 9 dollars remaining for the entire season and the calender hasn't turned to May.
  • The 64/60 at the NFBC
  • Some progress was made this week as the 64/60 now finds themselves in 10th place in the league of 12 and 246 of 288. We moved up 14 spots in the overall standings this week. Are pitching continues to be are strong point and are offense continues to struggle. We made some lineup changes this week in hopes to put up some better production stats in HR/RBI and Runs.
  • Power Rankings will appear at 8 AM Tuesday Morning.
Sorry for the Dots I am having trouble spacing the post out.


IDGE said...

Burt, your opinion of the Hebrewers and there ineptness to 'thrill and impress' the crowd, aka you, will be taken into consideration... While they may not be as exciting as a firecracker going off in the ass of your pants, they produce and are solid. They are also top 5. Where is the FP???
Gettin' the most out of the least.

jesseward said...

At the time I dropped Lopez, he was sucking the life out of my team. Everyone else, subtract Carlos (shitballer) Lee, was outperforming him on a regular basis. That is the reason. I can't predict the future but I can make decisions based on the past and current. Bottom line... he sucks.

I still can't figure out how you are at the bottom of the pile.

Did you and Idge break up? What gives?

Oh and I second Butch Steinbrenner.

Josh Coleman said...

Gilbert and I can agree to disagree. Gilbert and I are both adults so we won't cry and scream when someone is critical of us like Chrissy. You learn to man up at age 11 when you play Little League.

IDGE said...

Jesse, Just to dispell any loss of sleep you are obviously having over Me and Burt, No we did not have a 'break-up' as you put it. We had difference of opinion, we spoke about it, that is it. very adult. And no, my team is not exciting, and they are not point producing monsters, but they have thus far been fairly consistent point producers... Im happy I am where I am with what I have. Humble i guess you could call it.
Just for the record, and Burt will atest to this... You should actually start playing Little League when you are 9.
Burt you response was classy and very professional...You continue to be a beacon of light in the sometimes merky atmosphere of the 64/60...Truly an honorable man.

jesseward said...

Interesting responses. Good to see you guys are working it out.

That aside, we can all agree; Chris blows.


Sir Smacker of the Attitude