Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The new logos are here!

It's been a while since I have had the opportunity to do these little things we in the know call 'logos'. However some time freed it's self to me, and I decided to not let my current position of not being in the league this year stop the creative juices from flowing ...

I haven't done all the teams yet, but hopefully before the All-Star break I will..

This league misses me and Hobson, that is obvious.

First up, is this year's attempt at humor from Chrissy Lee. Ug finally brought something to the table this year in his choice of naming his fantasy franchise. Making a play off of P.E.D.'s and creepy van drivers, to merge the two into this gem.  I decided to go with the old Phillies logo, just because Burt used to call this his 'favorite team'. You know, before he decorated his whole house in Cubs memorabilia and sold off two of his kids to finance a trip to Wrigley. As we all know, these two live just to spite one another. Seemed fitting to take that stab at Burt. Don't worry, there is more. I have seen on league reports where Ug's habit of putting 'BC' in front of everything reared it's head again with this entry, too. I ignored that and his unhealthy boner for Boyd County athletics, and did not incorporate it in any way.

League newcomer, and bonified smartest man in any room he enters, Nate Rice also decided to make a push towards the illicit use of performance enhancers when deciding upon his team name. The man who has openly mocked Alex Tribek to his face, took over the team that used to belong to Dave Hobson. No longer the Hendo Colonels, he took it a step further and took a swipe at Burt too, by placing the 'Factory' tag in his team's identity. He got the swirling ball/atomic signature/ Astrodome treatment for his mark. HGH+ increases lean muscle and fights off aging. HGH+ Factory hasn't really gotten a foothold on an identifying trait yet. However, the man is the king of the 'over/under'.

Now, when I was in the league, the only knock on me wasn't my team per say, but lack of participation. A roster adjustment here, a trade there, and just logging in to Yahoo! would have paid off for my club. The pieces were in place to make a go at it. However, under new ownership, the team formerly owned by yours truly is suffering from the same affliction it had when I was there. The guy who runs it into the ground now gave them the moniker of the un-inspired and absurd 'The Takeover'. Well, he did takeover, right were I left off... the bottom. For that reason, he gets a logo tweak from my old logo, which was the greatest logo ever created, but the team will always be The Mustache Riders of the Apocalypse. Went Mets with this one, nothing drives the point of the apocalypse home like a city scene with a mushroom cloud. Also, Burt used to claim the Mets as his 'favorite team', too.

Next up we have Rich. Now, what most of us know of Rich is this: He loves golf, over-priced coffee, being a bit of a romantic, and just flat out being a good dude. However, it was hard to come up with anything remotely attractive for his 'Argumentative 9-Irons' tag, so we just went with arguing. Ripped off aspects of the old Twins logo, gave him some stylized Roman numerals, and there you have the mark of GRC III. Oh, and that little tag line at the bottom... Play on words, and of course yet another shot at Burt. We all know who the favorite is.

Last one of the day belongs to Todd Del Ray. Todd has picked up the habit of naming his teams after lines from crudely drawn, foul-language fueled, adult-oriented cartoons. Seems legit. Ripped off the old 'Charleston Charlies' logo and added some Todd-esque mannerisms to it to bring it all together. McClung Sr. and Rich are probably the only two who will even remember the Charlies. The rest of us were born during the Wheelers era.... 1990, the big club won the whole Show, and they won the Sally.

And just to bask in the former glory of the MROTA, here is the classic logo from season's past....


Anonymous said...

Impressive, sir.


Anonymous said...

Another O/U wager was added to the big board before I even saw this. May have to make another... eight.


Josh Coleman said...

Brilliant. For the record the Mets were never my favorite team. Loved Mookie, loved Doc, simply watched the Mets.