Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In-N-Out Week 8

The 64/60 is pleased to announce the tentative dates for the Swing and Swim. While in years past this has been a once in a season event due to Vacations, obligations, and the fact it's two damn fun for one day only there will be two Swing and Swim dates this summmer. The first is scheduled for June 8th and the second will be July 13th. Jesse Ward will be hosting his annual Golf Scramble on one of the corresponding Sundays. While the July 13th date appears to be a go the June 8th is still up in the air to some degree. I will find out something for sure by the early part of next week and will inform everyone via a 64/60 presser about all the details. Regardless of exact dates I hope everyone is ready for some good Wiffle Ball action throughout the Summer as this sport shouldn't be bound to only two events.

Game Summary

Mashers 7 vs. 9irons 4. While the pitching may be suspect the results haven't been. Winners of 6 of the last 7 the genital obsessed, WJW, is currently 1st place runner up within the 64/60. The 3 stat win was the biggest margin of victory in a rather tight week within the 64/60. After a 5-0-1 start the former 1st Runner-Up has now lost 2 in a row and are looking more like the middle of the pack team the Power Rankings would indicate. While attention to detail has always been a strength of GRC3 in 2013 that doesn't seem to be the case. While injuries have been a major issue it's the pursuit of the ultimate low mileage used Chevy that has GRC3's head in another realm.

Tops- SB Mashers 10
Bottoms- Runs 9irons 33, SV 9irons 0
MVP- Addison Reed 3SV 4K 0.00/.25/9.00

BCFP 7 vs. HGH+ 5. Don't look now kids but shits gettin serious at 10423 Lindzey Rd. Winners of three straight the BCFP find themselves among the playoff contenders. Most encouraging is it would seem the statistical struggles of the early season seems to be a thing of the past as both the offense and pitching has been very solid during that span. After a two game winning streak the HGH+ ran into another matchup nightmare, as the overall production likely deserved better than the 7-5 setback.

Tops- HR BCFP 13, SV BCFP 11
Bottoms- SB BCFP 1, K/9 BCFP 6.43, QS BCFP 3
MVP- Bautista .500/2/6/5/1/1.326

Free Hat 7 vs. Maniacs 5. The battle amongst the top two teams all season. While I have praised the Hats all season, I have been rather critical of the Maniacs. Fraud, pretenders, imposters are all words I have used at one time or another. Let it be known that at this point I am standing and showering the Maniacs with applause. Sure I believe most of my depictions of this team will eventually hold true, I respect that they have not crippled Junior into waving the white flag. Junior wouldn't be the first to take my words to heart and realize the weight my opinion holds. Plenty would say Burt your right this team blows whats the point in even trying. But here Jr. was facing the best the 64/60 has to offer and giving it his all. Offensively he bettered the Hats 4-2 but as has been the case here of late his pitching let him down once again. It would seem the Maniacs are still one arm away, maybe a option such as CC SABATHIA or DOUG FISTER would put him over the top. After viewing another week of fantasy goodness told sit down his phone and watched another sunset in the Keys. Sipping on an adult beverge and knowing life is good.

Tops- HR Maniacs 13, RBI Hats 50, OPS Maniacs 852, K Hats 90
Bottoms- SB Maniacs 1, WHIP Maniacs 1.36
MVP- Miggy .364/3/7/10/0/1.300

Takeover 6 vs. PED 5. Let us all rejoice. Losers of two in a row and 3 of the last 5, 2013 sure doesn't seem to be the year of the Bopp. Yes injuries have played a part but a recent run of demotions has Bopp asking, "What gives?". Of course Bopp is still plugging along continuing his pursuit of that perfect mix yet roster addition limitations have him pondering the end of his 64/60 run. Like I have said on multiple occasion I personally don't have issues with streaming. I do feel the alarm setting playoff tactics from years past may have went too far. Generally speaking I like the skill it involves as long as it is done so in a moderate manner. As for the league entirely I feel most owners frown upon it. While I wish Yahoo would allow for a IP limit or perhaps a starts per week limit the only thing I had to work with was the transaction count. So Bopp all I can promise is that this off season 64/60 owners will sit down and perhaps work out something you feel more comfortable with. Until that times come may I suggest a little bit more patience with recently added players success isn't always immediate. For the Takeover it's two W's in a row and one more win away from an official streak. The talent is in place for this squad as TLC would seem to be the only thing lacking over the first two months of the season. However if you look at recent transactions it would appear Holland is eager to shed that 12th place spot in the standings. Also for those trade junkies out there I feel very strongly that building blocks Votto and Longoria could be had for a collection of B type players.

Tops- Runs Takeover 58, AVG Takeover .303
Bottoms- K PED 47, QS PED 3
MVP- Votto .381/2/8/3/0/1.185

Walls 6 vs. Stars 5. It's been a similar season for Bowe and Senior. While Senior may have more Wins in the record books the close contest has both teams hovering around the .500 mark. Only the second win on the season for Walls but this victory represented all that is right with the Walls. Double digit HR, good run totals, solid offensive averages and solid pitching totals across the board, QS not included. Could the post championship hangover be coming to an end. Will we look back at Week 8 and realize this was the moment, Landon decided he could not part with the 64/60 Champions Cup. One couldn't blame him. I know personally I have thought about all the moments the Trophy and I will have together once she returns home. Simply put it's the reason you play. For Senior he has just been unable to get any type of streak going this season outside of a two game skid in weeks 3 and 4. His offense has been steady for the most part but Pitching has been all over the board. Last week he had the best across the board week within the league. Posting weekly best in ERA and WHIP yet for the season both have been consistently among the leauges worst. Another guy who could use a stabalizing figure in that rotation perhaps a CC SABATHIA or DOUG FISTER.

Tops- ERA Stars 2.69, WHIP Stars 10.18
Bottoms- QS Walls 3
MVP- Strasburg 2QS 16K 1.20/.87/9.60

Blasters 6 vs. Emanski 6. The lone deadlock of Week 8. While a Tie isn't the ideal result for a team with only 1 W like Emanski anytime you can avoid the L word you'll take it(outside of the bedroom of course). It hasn't been the season Emanski envisioned when those video were being sold to countless wanna be future pro's many years ago. Make no mistake Emanski deserves much better. Pitching has been amongst the leagues best and while offense hasn't been as good the only stats below league average are HR's and RBI. Without going back I don't know if the record has been more a result of extreme highs and lows statistically or simply just bad matchups. Given the lone W I would have to think matchups have played there part. Simply put Emanski has deserved better and at some point one would think the results would show it. For Lemaster the script is different. Like Emanski the Blasters are certainly a playoff contender. Nothing more than one decisive week away from .500 unlike Emanski his results aren't statistically based. The Blasters don't have the proverbial Power Rankings to prove their worth. It's the intangibles such as Heart, Hustle, constant search for victory that has Ev where he is today. The question is how long can one person sustain the will to win without the statistical data to back it up? The answer to this will likely decide Lemasters playoff fate.

Tops- WHIP Blasters .97, QS Blasters 11
Bottoms- AVG Blasters .239, OPS Blasters .686, HR Emanski 4, RBI Emanski 28, ERA Emanski 5.20
MVP- Scherzer 2 QS 13K 1.29/.64/8.36

Power Rankings

1. Free Hat 59 52 111
2. Emanski 36 52.5 88.5
3. Maniac 46 42.5 88.5
4. HGH+ 50 37.5 87.5
5. Mashers 48 27 75
6. 9irons 32.5 41 73.5
7. PED 28 42.5 70.5
8. BCFP 22.5 42.5 65
9. Walls 23.5 48.5 62
10. Blasters 33 27 60
11. Takeover 43 16 59

Tops- Runs Hats, HR Hats, RBI Hats, SB Mashers/HGH, AVG Takeover, OPS Hat, SV BCFP, K Hat, ERA Hat, WHIP Walls/Emanski, K/9 Walls, QS Hat
Lows- Runs 9irons, HR Takeover, RBI Takeover, SB Hat, AVG PED, OPS PED, SV Hat, K Takeover, ERA Blasters, WHIP Stars, K/9 HGH+, QS PED

Trade Analysis

BCFP send Huston Street and Grant Balfour to HGH+ for Jason Kipnis. This transaction should be given in a clinical on how to make a deal. Received a text from Mr. Rice around 8:30 PM requesting a sitdown with yours truly. Shortly after 9PM Mr. Rice arrives at the Headquarters and gets straight to the point. Two Closers is what he needs. Of course I attempt to acquire David Wright but shortly into talks any hopes are squashed. "What do you want in return?", asked Mr. Rice. "Solid B Offensive Player or Solid A to High B SP.", I rebuttled. Within 20 seconds Mr. Rice named Jason Kipnis and I quickly agreed. The entire process took maybe 5 minutes and both owners accomplished what the set out to achieve. Naturally I like my end of the deal. While it is nice knowing you have a stat in the bag as the week begins winning SV 10-5 every week suggest a little overkill. Kipnis is a 20/20 threat who could total 160+ in the Run counting stats. Add in the MI/2B elgibility and you have a potential of a Top 75 player. HGH+ adds two closers and joins the closer heavy group along with myself, Bopp, and Junior. While some will be critical given the seemingly weekly influx of closers to the Free Agent pool. There is a certain value in knowing barring injury you need not speculate on who the next man up will be.

Pickup Of The Week

Brandon McCarthy Lemaster Blasters. I hate giving this award to a player who will likely be dropped by the time this piece post. I felt it was a solid week for pickups. Wheeler for the BCFP comes to mind but even my ego couldn't handle another award. Believe it or not this post isn't intended to be a weekly devotional. I also like the Beachy pickup by the Walls however I do question the mid June timetable and exactly how the rotation situation will play out. McCarthy isn't a high K guy but he posseses good control and a track record of success. Think Tim Hudson prior to the last three starts. McCarthy started out slowly but has pitched very well the last 4 starts or so and I fully expect this recent run to continue. A solid back end of a fantasy rotation and a player who shouldn't be entirely matchup driven.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

The Takeover drop John Niese for Eric Stults. I suppose it's entirely possible Niese could be reverting back to old form. Perhaps the strides taken in 2012 was nothing more than a mirage turning Niese into a solid fantasy option. Perhaps reality is a streaming option or league only. I for one am not ready to quit John Niese. Good K potential, nice pitchers park, and youth are reason enough for me to believe better days are ahead. Besides your talking about a team wallowing in the cellar who needs all the upside players they can find in hopes to returning to contention. While I like Stults as a streaming option he shouldn't have a permanent home in a 12 Team format over Niese.

1 comment:

todd said...

life is good. another classic.