Sunday, March 3, 2013

64/60 Draft Recap Vol. 1 Best of Rounds 1-15

It's often debated, "Is Nascar a sport?". Those who feel as though it is refer to the endurance and focus the 4 Hour event demands on it's participants. While I don't subscribe to that notion, for those who do I would like to welcome 64/60 Owners to the fraternity. For 6+ Hours Owners gathered at the 64/60 Headquarters with the goal of building a champion. Well at least most of us did, Richard. Like a scene straight out of Moneyball, owners crunching numbers and disecting the pros and cons of each and every pick. While our drafts have been known to test the limits of effeciency a new low was reached Saturday Night. For those who enjoy a sausage fest and the gas two pots of Chili can produce then perhaps the bar was raised. Regardless of your preference I am hopeful it will never be reproduced. While I can't pinpoint the reason for the extended event, I would guess a combination of the keeper, level of available talent, and the consumption of adult beverages is to blame. And of course there was Chris.

With an event this large it's kind of hard to capture it within the confines of a brief blog post. Therefore to honor the event in a proper manner, and to generate more league chatter of course, consider this the first installment of the 64/60 Draft Recap. Today I'll honor the best selections of each round 1-15. Since we've already disected the keepers at nausea only players drafted well be discussed. The Winners are........

1st Rd- Adrian Gonzalez.... Ev Lemaster. I'm not counting Pujols in this discussion so the debate is between Butler and A. Gon. While I feel the production of both will mirror each other, Gonzalez has produced a season worthy of 1st round consideration, Butler has not.

2nd Rd- Jacoby Ellsbury... Jesse Ward. Same reasoning used for this one. If nothing else Ellsbury is a near lock for second round worth if he exceeds 500 AB.

3rd Rd- Chase Headley.....Jesse Ward. Quite a roll her for the Immaculate Elitist. While I don't consider myself a Headley believer there is a remote chance I could be wrong. If Headley reproduces 2012 he's a top 20 overall player.

4th Rd- Yu Davrish.....Brandon McClung. I wasn't sold on Darvish last season but after exceeding all my expectations I'm all in this season. K totals will be elite and low 3 ERA will make him a Fantasy Ace in 2013.

5th Rd- Cliff Lee......Landon Bowe. The best round up to this point as Zobrist, Kipnis, and Greinke all deserved consideration. While 2012 may have been considered a disappointment for Lee owners, the underlying numbers suggest he was just as dominate as ever. Top 5 fantasy pitcher seems reasonable.

6th Rd- Victor Martinez....Landon Bowe. A mini-run her for the defending Champ. While I'm not sold on Martinez being a Top 5 fantasy C this season, the possibility of number 1 certainly exist.

7th Rd- Eric Hosmer.......Josh Coleman. May be overly optimistic here but I really like Hosmer as a bounce back this season. While he isn't a 30HR player he could easily produce 180 run totals (Runs+RBI) and a 25/15 (HR/SB) is reasonable.

8th Rd- Mike Napoli.....Josh Coleman. The round doesn't offer much upside but I'll take the 30HR potential out of the C position. Sure injuries have to be a concern but I'm willing to role the dice here.

9th Rd- Carl Crawford.....Bill Fenney. It's not even three weeks into camp and 2013 is developing much like 2012 did for Crawford, and this is not a compliment. I'm skeptical he reaches 350 AB's but as Bill and I discussed on draft night, Crawford will either rank in the top 40 or in the 400's. I'll roll the dice with the upside.

10th Rd- Josh Willingham.......Josh Holland. Willingham is one of those players you hate to draft, there is simply nothing fun about him. However over the last three seasons owners have bee awarded with a solid AVG good power and run production. The limited roster of the Twins may simmer down some of the run production totals from last season but value none the less.

11th Rd- Melky Cabrera......Josh Coleman. Sure another failed drug test always could rob AB's but if he can stay clean, or cover it up better, your looking at a potential 100+ Runs batting out of the 2 hole in this lineup. Yes a lineup that will make the playoffs.

12th Rd- Manny Machado.....Rich Coleman. Truth be told I want to go Gardner here but I can here the sighs as I typed it. While I'm skeptical Machado even reaches this value in 2013 if he does you could be looking at a potential keeper after the 10th Round.

13th Rd- Carlos Gomez.....Jesse Ward. I'm mildly convinced 2012 was the beginning of Gomez's career. Many forget he was a very highly touted prospect with the Twins many moons ago. If 2012 was the start of something a 20/30 player is a steal in the 13th.

14th Rd- Jarrod Parker.....Butch Lemaster. For the record I'm not a Parker believer. I see him more of a middle rotation option, solid not spectacular. The lackluster other options and the possibility I'm wrong makes him the pick.

15th Rd- Rafael Soriano.....Bill Fenney. I really want to go Jon Niese to show my loyalty after his solid 2012 however Soriano could be the top closer in baseball this season. While I'm not a believer in the Good team/Bad Team Save argument. I do feel the Nationals have the correct mix of good pitching and middle of the road hitting that produces SV chances. The wealth of options gives Soriano a short leash but the job is his and thats the only skill you need in March.

Tune in again for another thrilling installment of the Draft Recap

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