Monday, January 28, 2013

Pete Rose strikes out with TLC

Sure, reality television is probably the worst thing to happen to our living rooms since the invention of TV.

But when TLC dangled that Pete Rose carrot in front of us, we bit. Apparently, so did Pete's ratings.

The network has decided to not air the episode of Pete Rose: Hits and Mrs. tonight, sighting that they are going to hold off on airing the remaining episodes already in the can, until Spring Training starts up and baseball is more in the news and on people's minds.

Which was TLC's way of saying the show is over. The show, which I enjoyed, pulled in some rather lackluster ratings considering it was paired with the network's number one ratings winner, Honey Boo Boo.(who we can not confirm nor deny to be Dusty Rhodes' lovechild)

But don't fret, the remaining episodes will be aired before the show is cast off into the abyss of rejected television shows, and we will get to see what comes of his future wife's breast reduction surgery.

In what seems rather out of place, and down right ironic, MLB's hit king has struck out. The network is subbing Cake Boss into the spot tonight, like they are Roy Hobbs telling Bobby to pick him out a winner.

Thinking that maybe, just maybe holding off until baseball gets going and the viewers will come to their televisions to watch the show, wanting to remember their childhood, Ray?

I wouldn't bet on it.

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