Wednesday, January 23, 2013

NCAA is still biggest scandal in college sports

At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, NCAA head honcho, and all around ass hat, Mark Emmert, will hold a press conference that will highlight the governing body and racketeering group's latest sign that these clowns should have been done away with years ago: The newest case of improper benefits levied against Miami (FL).

Turns out, the morally corrupt NCAA hit a snag in its investigation of The U, and that was the very man, Nevin Shapiro, at the center of it, is also the cause of the case being suspended.

Turns out that Shapiro's defense attorney is a paid employee of the NCAA, a fact that the Indianapolis-based organization had no clue of until statements showing said payments came into the office this month. Emmert said that he is "embarrassed" of this turn of events, and feels its a black eye, my words not his, on the integrity of the NCAA.

Which is a great use of irony, as I've never known the NCAA to be real high on integrity, isn't that right Mr. Maggette?

Or, they could throw us a curve tomorrow, and let it be known that Eric Manuel and Enes Kanter are still ineligible, and UNC has done nothing wrong.

And I'm totally sure that they are selling nukes to Iran...and North Korea.

The NCAA has hired an outside firm to investigate the matter, to see what kind of damage has been done in the case against The Hurricanes thanks to the employment of Shapiro's Matlock.

Way to hit a homerun with that one, guys.

The U has been on a self-imposed 2 year post season ban.

The N-C- A Double also had tabs on Miami's basketball program, which was also in this mix of investigating on their behalf. It was expected that current Mizzou Coach Frank Haith, who was the head man at Miami during the questionable period, could possible face some sort of punishment if everything was made to come to light.

Now, the the Miami Athletics Department has dodged a bullet, due to improprieties and lack of institutional control on behalf of the high and mighty NCAA.

And Mark Emmert flat out lied on the record Thursday.

It's time to END the NCAA.

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