Thursday, January 31, 2013

64/60 Man of the Week: Tom Dotterer

Meet Tom Dotterer. Tom has owned a liquor store in Syracuse, New York for many years. Tom is a spry 77 years old, and at some point last week, he was shot, in the eye, during a robbery of said liquor store.

He is recovering nicely now, albeit it's more than likely he will lose all vision in that eye. But hell, his survival in this case is astounding, considering, well, HE WAS SHOT IN THE EYE!

But, the robbery, and subsequent shooting of his eye out, was not nearly enough to piss in Tom's Cheerios... Hell naw... What really melted Tom's butter, was the fact that CM Punk lost to the Rock at the Royal Rumble Sunday.

Man was robbed. Lost an eye.... Kiddie stuff...

CM Punk's skank-ass loses the WWE Heavyweight Title to the Tooth-Fairy... Throwin' the towel in on life.

In any event, we salute you Tom Dotterer of Syracuse. Keepin' it Kayfabe...with one eye.

Mr. Dotterer also goes by the name 'Coach Dotterer', as he is the coach of Christian Brothers Academy's baseball team in Syracuse. He returned to work after only missing two days... with a GUN SHOT WOUND TO HIS EYE! Those baseball practices must be some of the hardest known to man.

Wait... Christian Brothers Academy, and their baseball coach owns a liquor store? Heaven.

Don't mess with Rasslin' fans. That's the lesson here.

National Pro Wrestling Day is February 2nd. We shit you not.

Greatest Day Ever.

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