Sunday, December 11, 2011

You won the divorce, but the battle is far from over!!!

Terry Gene Bollea, the real 'Mean Gene', is fighting back. That's right, The Hulkster is gearing up to go to war with his most hated challenger to date: His ex-wife Linda.
Linda Bollea has certainly left her mark on the pop culture world, albeit, in a trashy, gold-digging, and scandalous way. Linda, was introduced to the world thanks to the "Hogan Knows Best" reality show, and you could tell that the woman was hard to live with. And, like all reality families, the 'Hogans' fell a part. Brooke looked more like she should be leg-droppin' people in the ring than trying to be a pop singer and Nick showed the world what a douchebag really is. In the process, the world got a glimpse of the 'real' Hulk Hogan. Turns out, we didn't much like him either. Make no mistake, Hulk is a pretty big douche himself and a liar. One only needs to check out the recorded conversation he had with son Nick while the later was in jail. And there is that creepy dynamic he has with his daughter.
Linda and new *man*
However damning the evidence is against ol' Thunderlips, rest assured his ex Linda eclipses his unworthiness of drawing breath. Linda when the obvious route: I am going to leave you and take everything you ever earned. I pushed you to do things you wouldn't have because I am a greedy bitch, and now, when the going gets tough, I am out of here. Oh, and I am going to stark banging one of our daughter's friends who looks like you when you were barely out of teenage years.
Linda is a real class act. Rumors run rampant that within the wrestling world, it was widely known that the Hogan's were in an 'open-relationship' and that everyone got a chance to tag in and and bed down the wife of the Immortal One. But, we are not here to pass judgement or tell you what is or isn't within the acceptable areas of a moral code.
Like we said, you can't trust or believe in Hulk Hogan, but Linda is a whole other beast.
As expected, Linda wanted to capitalize on the buzz going on around the split and turn a buck or two. Linda penned a book, to tell 'her' story and to set the record straight. 'Wrestling With the Hulk: My Life Against the Ropes', was riddled with slander and what Hulk says are baseless lies upon lies. She claims abuse of the physical nature and she feared for her life when he would go into one of his 'rages'. Now, to be honest, I can totally see that happening. Training, Prayers, and Vitamins, brother.
However, when Hulk was ready to hang it up YEARS ago, Linda demanded he continued to work. Demanded he continue to put his health and well-being aside because she was used to a certain lifestyle and that a retired Hulk was not going to be able to provide that. Linda never cared about anything but Linda. She did whatever it took to be wealthy, and screwed her kids up beyond belief.
She even said in her book that Hogan and Brutus Beefcake were sexually involved with one another. Hulk denies this claim, and he also denies claims that he has shown his daughter, Brooke, his junk.(however the below video seems to suggest otherwise)

Hulk and his new wife.
So, after a messy divorce that saw Linda get 70% of the estate that is Hulk Hogan, the yellow-foam finger waving maniac is fighting back.  Hulk's legal team has filed a new, 18 page law suit in Florida against Linda, with the accusations being that Linda's various comments she has made in print and other media outlets, is indeed defamation.

It was ludicrous that Linda got 70% considering she never worked and her kids are fully grown, but that is what was handed down. Now, the Hulkster did what any ex-champ would have done, he invoked his re-match clause.

Whatcha' gonna' do when litigation runs wild on you?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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