Saturday, December 10, 2011

Unbelievably believable

The voters got it right. RG III of Baylor, became the first player in Baylor's history to reach the finalist panel for the Heisman Trophy. He then took it a step further when he actually won the thing.
Just moments ago in New York City, at the Downtown Athletic Club, Robert Griffin, III was announced as the 2011 Heisman Trophy winner. With that one phrase, his post college career will now be one disappointment after another. Winning the Heisman is just a few degrees less worse than hearing this phrase: "congratulations! You are going to be on the cover of Madden."
As long as he don't kill anybody, his post college life won't be that bad regardless of no NFL success. Actually, murder didn't really inhibit that other Heisman winner. So, lesson here is win the Heisman, have a less than live up to expectation NFL career, then get away with murder, in the most literal sense.

It's been a banner year for College Football. The BCS actually provided the right match-up for once, still hate it though, and The Heisman voters actually awarded the trophy to the right kid. Sorry ,Honey Badger, looks like you can't take everything you want.

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