Monday, December 5, 2011

Indoor Football is still here...

Huntington whistles Dixie

Wooten Tootin'
If you like your football of the indoor-still playing on carpet variety, then you probably know all about the various options in our neck of the woods you have available.
In Huntington, we have had the Hammer for the last year or so. The team with Thor on their helmets has actually made a move that caught my attention, however I have a short attention span.
Huntington has signed the man who is now, that we know who he is, is on the list of the potential greatest named athletes ever: Dixie Wooten.
Wooten is a veteran of the Indoor Wars, even having been named Man of the Year in the IFL last season. However, other than his emergence into Indoor Football in 2009, and his position as a receivers coach at a prep academy near his native Houston, Texas, we really don't know too much about him. Other than he has one bad ass name. And looks nothing like you would think. He does not have grey hair, wear fancy hats, and is not a white woman.

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